
5 Free Priceless Gifts From The Heart

This holiday season share 5 free priceless gifts from the heart that are remembered and valued more than anything else. When the gift comes from the heart, it may be purchased or created by the giver. My gift to you this holiday season is a riddle, a memory, and a Holiday Ornament Hunt activity for all ages. Unfortunately, I just learned that the free Holiday Ornament Hunt is only downloadable on laptops. We have a solution and are working to resolve. Enjoy my gift to you

The Riddle:

What gift can you give yourself that becomes a priceless gift for others?

My husband’s most precious gifts are listening, encouragement, and conversation. You could talk out loud, listen to yourself. But, a conversation requires two people. These are not the answer to the riddle.

A Story as a Hint

When our youngest child turned two, her older sister was old enough to start school. Their brother qualified for half a day of school. Thus, we discussed the choice of me either resuming my career teaching special education or staying home with our 3 preschoolers. Being practical, we calculated the cost of childcare, clothes, insurance, taxes, and additional food expenses. Shocked, we learned that my hourly wage would be reduced to $4.00 an hour, $32.00 a day. This was back when minimum wage was $5.50.

Even though staying home to care for our preschoolers was a priceless gift from the heart, staying home is not the answer to the riddle.

What is the Priceless Gift?

Hint: What is the opposite of stress, meltdowns, and chaos?

After our financial analysis, we discussed the emotional cost of us both working. We recognized that our preschoolers would have to meet our work needs and deal with our attitudes of stress. Then, meeting the emotional needs of our children would affect our emotions. All that additional stress on our family for only $4.00 dollars an hour. No way!

Did you figure out the answer to the riddle? What gift can you give yourself that becomes a gift for everyone you love? Anyone can received this gift, your friends and loved ones. Okay, one more hint. It is a priceless gift from the heart and often results in buckets of laughter.

The Answer to the Riddle

A home filled with JOY.

Did you catch the hint in the first picture before I shared the riddle? Joy is expressed in numerous ways: laughter, serving, sharing, playing, baking, listening, and so much more. Joy is the attitude behind the actions.

5 Free Priceless Gifts

During this holiday season, how will you give the gift of joy? As I help clients and their loved ones understand how their child’s behaviors help them cope with atypical visual development and/or sound intolerance, they have cried in relief and oftentimes sorrow. The very act of reaching out to me and searching for information is a priceless gift. You are seeking to understand your loved one’s needs. That is compassion.

1. Compassion is a Priceless Gift

The gift of understanding and compassion is priceless. Compassion shows you understand a person’s needs and feelings when you offer helpful actions or financial help. Today is Giving Tuesday. Have you thought about how you can give a priceless gift from the heart.

Compassion International is an excellent example of actions taken to empower those experiencing a crisis or poverty. This Giving Tuesday, I challenge you to consider sponsoring a child through Compassion International. On their website, learn how they bring Christmas in a shoebox to children all over the world. You can even build one online.

I helped my children learn about compassion by sponsoring a child through Compassion, adopting grandparents, participating in scouts, helping family members, and much more. Today, they have a desire to help others within their own communities.

2. Empathy is a Priceless Gift

Empathy is the use of words to affirm a person’s feelings without offers of helpful actions or financial help. Learning to use empathic phrases and body language tells the person you are really listening to them. Listening shows you care, a priceless gift.

Just in time for the holidays, give the priceless gift of empathetic listening. Here are some empathetic phrases that recognize others’ feelings and your feelings. Just remember to let silence follow. Also, try to not overburden them with your burdens. They are already overwhelmed by their emotions.

Recognize Speaker’s Feelings

You sound…

Life is so unpredictable.

It is normal to feel…

That sounds exhausting.

It is ok to need…

What boundaries would you like to set?

Share Your Feelings

I can’t imagine.

Life is sometimes too difficult.

When… happened, I felt …

Sometimes, I need…

For me, trust is essential.

I hear you.

While playing with or alongside your loved ones and friends, your words provide you with an opportunity to use empathetic phrases. Yes, you can compete and show empathy. For example, “I know it is a bummer to lose. Thank you for being a good sport.” Also, empathetic words help you share truth. For example, “I hear your frustration. Yelling at me really makes me feel bad.” Or “It is Ok that you are unable to remember. I prefer you let me know that you do not remember. Then, I know what you really need from me.”

Best of all, empathetic words enable you to take care of yourself, advocate for yourself, and express boundaries. For example, “Losing your spouse feels overwhelming. Do you need help coming up with a plan to get all the work done around the house? It is too much work for me.”

3. Encouraging Observation Through Purposeful Play for All Ages

My activity booklets help you encourage play that develops visual and auditory skills. The observation tips provide new insights into understanding your loved one’s visual and auditory needs. Best of all, activities help you emotionally connect with your loved one. How? Because you become the follower joining them in play.

Holiday Ornament Hunt from My Heart to You

My priceless gift for you on this special day. If you are reading this on your cell phone, you will need to use a laptop for the free activity popup to appear. We have a solution but it will take a few days to solve.

The newly released Holiday Ornament Hunt is so much fun for all ages. It may even become a new holiday tradition! Additionally, observation tips within the activity show you how a person’s posture affects their visual skills. I hope you will share with your friends and sign up for my email list to receive your free Holiday Ornament Hunt.

So much fun, it may even become a new holiday tradition!

Moore Visual Observation Activities Booklet

Moore Visual Observation Activities Booklet provides insights into the different types of visual processing skills. Activities show your loved one’s or client’s visual processing strengths and difficulties in ages three and older.

Moore Auditory-Visual Activities Booklet


Observation Tips


Moore Auditory Observation Activities Booklet

Moore Auditory Observation Activities Booklet helps you learn about your client’s or loved one’s auditory processing skills and sound tolerance.

Each activity in the booklets teaches you how to observe and what to observe. Each activity provides you with the opportunity to connect with your loved ones and acknowledge their hard work and tenacity. If concerns are found, the next step page gives you the opportunity to talk about the ways you can help them.

4. The Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire

One way to immediately learn more about your loved one’s behaviors is to register and purchase a Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire. Questions and follow-up questions with your loved one provide information about behaviors associated with:

  • Sound intolerance
  • Auditory processing difficulties
  • Expressive speech (word finding, fluency)
  • Hearing loss
  • Visual processing skills

Pre-questionnaire activities improve the accuracy of your Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire (MAvQ) Report. Follow-up questions provide insights regarding the intensity and frequency of behavioral concerns.

 Cost: $10.00 per Questionnaire

  • Includes printable activity documents
  • Registration information is encrypted, only you can access your MAvQ Report (stored in a separate cloud from your registration information).

Once you complete your Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire:

  • Save and print your MAvQ Report
  • Email Cheri your MAvQ Report
  • Schedule your free phone consultation with Cheri to review your MAvQ Report and receive personalized help.

5. Joy, a Free Priceless Gift from the Heart

It seems that joy is becoming a priceless gift that is hard to find. Now, more than ever we all need joy within our homes. The purposeful observation play activities have given many parents hope and tears of joy. In relief, they finally understood why their very smart child struggled to learn and so much more.

If able, stop and listen with joy.

Look, and lean a bit forward. Smile, nod your head. Have you thought about how much your body language says, “I am listening.”? Turn off the noise, the TV. Then, practice empathetic listening.

When a mess is made by yourself or another, how will you respond?

When we make a mess, we all feel bad inside. Thus, it is important to acknowledge their feelings. For example, “That is a bummer. Would you like help?”

How I Learned the Value of Grace and Joy

There is plenty of stress staying home with preschoolers, children, and teens. Life truly is a journey. Give yourself grace. There are joyful moments of understanding along the way.

Back when I was a young mother searching for answers, I enjoyed the logic and insights within the No Greater Joy magazine. One day, what I read brought lots of joy into our home. The article asked the reader why we expected our little ones and loved ones to know how to respond to our emotions. Why do we expect our children to have self-control that we ourselves lack?

If parents fail to share their feelings in healthy ways, it is completely illogical to expect our little ones, children, and even teens to know how to express their emotional dilemmas. They may even push their feelings down causing them to feel like a stranger in their own home, misunderstood. Wow! It is much healthier to acknowledge a feeling within ourselves rather than push it down until we explode.

A New Activity Booklet, Another Priceless Gifts

My newly released booklet, Encouraging Observations through Purposeful Play, Toddler Visual Activities, is available for purchase!

Encouraging Observation Through Purposeful Play: Toddler Visual Play booklet cover page

Developing eye movement skills needed for instinctive movement.

Your toddler’s behaviors and emotions help them express their needs. A list of toddlers’ visual developmental milestones and visual processing skills along with observation tips helps you understand your toddler’s visual strengths and difficulties.

Recognizing visual processing concerns in toddlers is life-changing. When visual processing difficulties remain undiagnosed, researchers found a higher risk of learning difficulties. I connect you with doctors specializing in visual processing difficulties, eye health, and intervention. Equally important, I provide teaching tips and work strategies. It takes time to retrain the brain to use both eyes together. Once they do, clients and loved ones see improvements in the areas of visual memory, reading comprehension, writing, emotional health, and instinctive movements.

Do you have questions? If so, schedule a free phone consultation.

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Cheri Moore

Cheri Moore

Auditory Integration Training (AIT) and ILS Integrated Listening programs are completed in the comfort of your home with the support of Cheri Moore or a practitioner near you. Cheri's online, interactive questionnaires (preschooler, students, adults) with a free phone consultation helps you obtain a report that communicates concern and learn if you can benefit from Cheri's advocacy services.

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