Autisable TeamFeatured

Happy Holidays

We are incredibly grateful for you, and wish you the best this Holiday Season.  Your contributions to Autisable have helped thousands of people worldwide to garner a greater understanding of the diversity of experiences that is within the autism community. 

Over the past dozen or so years, we’ve poured over each submitted blog post, learning more about autism from a variety of perspectives. 

In recent years there has been an outpouring of feedback from autistic individuals regarding various therapies as well as how companies and organizations provide support.

Such topics as ABA therapy, Puzzle Piece logos, and Ableism have been noted and are being taken seriously.

One thing is very certain regarding Autism that we are constantly exploring, is that the subject of autism is just like the spectrum itself, and the individuals who are autistic: full of a variety of experiences and understanding.  Some individuals, for example, have shared support for a controversial topic, while others have expressed serious concern to the point of sharing their traumatic experiences. 

In this regard, we learned that all experiences and opinions matter.  Each individual provides their own insight on what has worked for them, and what didn’t.

With this in mind, we know that some courses of action that can be taken by any organization may benefit some, but not others.  Our goal is to always find ways to improve our efforts collectively, finding common ground by which appropriate action can be taken.

We must remember that each individual’s perspective is valued here, and we appreciate everyone who has contributed to the site.  From Autistic Individuals to Organizations, Professionals, Parents, and Siblings.  All who have contributed know that we’re all in this together.

As we wrap up 2021 and go into 2022, we will be sharing our initiatives in addressing these various issues.  These initiatives will, at the very minimum, provide information that may help provide a better understanding.  But the goal will be to improve our understanding as a community of where we are at, and where we can go….together.

Thank you again for helping us understand you more.

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Joel Manzer
Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!
Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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