
Autistic Lego Creations

Elliott created a really cool Lego creation and he wanted to share it with you.  In hind sight, I should have taken a better picture of it so you can see just how creative it is. 

Anyway,  this is a chipmunk and the little thing next to it is an acorn.

The picture doesn’t do it justice and I’m sorry for that.  I’m totally proud of him and I love the way his beautiful mind works. 

What is the latest thing you or your child did that you are proud of?


Rob Gorski

Rob Gorski

Father to 3 boys with #Autism, 1 with Fragile Health. Award winning blogger, techy and advocate. #AutismDad @GuardianLocate

0 thoughts on “Autistic Lego Creations

  • Aw! it reminds me of my Aspie nephew who makes his favorite cartoon characters with legos too. It is great how their minds work, so unlike my kids or his brothers.

  • I consider what he’s created a piece of art. It’s fantastic. I have a stepdaughter and we’re currently “estranged”…so I’m not up to parr as to what she’s accomplished in the last year or so. Prayers your way.

  • That is really awesome. I love the acorn. I don’t have any children. 


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