
The TSA Responds

Earlier today, I wrote about my concerns over how “Autism symptoms may make the TSA think you’re a terrorist“, in which their new “behavior screening” process is essentially them making conversation with you and looking for any “suspicious behavior” which may indicate that you are hiding something.

At the same time, I emailed the TSA and asked them if they are going to include Autism and other special needs information for this training so as to avoid potentially embarrassing and very real damaging mistakes.

Their reply email comes with a disclaimer that says that I can’t copy or distribute it (which is a tad strange for an email) but I can give you a breakdown of their response.

Separate screening for special needs

The TSA has a special process for those with special needs/disabilities and what ever equipment/aides they may have. They take great care to include all areas (mobility, hearing, visual, and hidden) and has gone so far as to establish a coalition of more than 70 organizations that can instruct and train the TSA on their related conditions and issues.

They didn’t say how all of that would be included or associated with the new program they are testing at Boston’s Logan airport but one would assume that they’d make sure that those issues are brought to everyone’s attention.

Disability Notification Cards

The TSA has developed some cards which you can download ( and fill in. Obviously, as it says, it doesn’t exempt you from screening/questions but it will help to get your message across.

Also, in their email, they advise that anyone travelling with a person that has special needs/disability to voice their concerns and needs to the TSA officers.

The cards are a little more discreet though, than having a conversation about it in front of everyone.

If you need them later and forget about this post or the direct link, just visit search for “notification card” in their search box.

Thank you TSA

Well, they answered my question and didn’t… I still have some concerns. As I said in the first post, terrorists could take these steps which would mean they fake a special need in an attempt to get through the process.

Still though, it is a great first step and it shows that they are fully aware and doing their best to include special needs into their process.

There was a lot more about the program and how it works in the email as well, which was quite nice of them. However, as I said, I’m not supposed to “distribute” it or anything. I’m sure though, if you have questions, they will provide you with answers as well.

Contact them, as I did at

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Stuart Duncan
I am the father of 2 great boys, Cameron (Autistic) and Tyler, his younger brother. Founder of Autcraft.
Stuart Duncan

Stuart Duncan

I am the father of 2 great boys, Cameron (Autistic) and Tyler, his younger brother. Founder of Autcraft.

0 thoughts on “The TSA Responds

  • The TSA does a poor job with people with needs.
    A friend of mine 2 months ago, who has a artificial leg, and he told them so, was made to take it off in front everyone  and they had to run it through 3 different test to make sure there was nothing in it.
    Then in June another friend whom wears a bag to pee has his bag so damaged that he couldn’t take his trip because they had to know what was in the bag. He said pee, but they didn’t believe him.
    They damaged the bag, and soiled his pants and he couldn’t get where he was going, and almost lost an account and the TSA is going to do better? Ha, ha ha ha!!! Bro. Doc

  • What about people who are undiagnosed?  What about people who do not wish to release confidential health information to strangers?  This response doesn’t make the new program any less inappropriate, and in fact it sounds worse than it did before.  #Disband_the_TSA


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