Trouble Walking
I should really start calling these ‘not walking’ updates because HRH still can’t walk. He is getting worse actually. He came off his anti-inflammatories last week and went downhill very quickly. I had to support his legs, keeping his knees over his hips, so that he could sleep. The physio was very concerned and he went back on the meds. He still can’t straighten his leg, he is even having difficulty sitting upright at this stage and favours lying down. He also needs assistance to get from lying into a sitting position. He can sleep now without me supporting his legs (because of meds) but he has to sleep with his left leg bent so he leans it against my body.
We cancelled physio this week, there was just no point. Our hospital appointment is next week, to see the ‘gentleman’ who said HRH was choosing not to walk because he is autistic. My family Doctor is very unhappy about the situation so if the ‘gentleman’ won’t help us out then our Dr. will move us to someone else. By next week it will be going on two months and I am fit to be tied by now, mind you, so is HRH! If the ‘gentleman’ mentions the word ‘autism’ you will hear me screeching from wherever you live!
On a brighter note, Firstborn turned 9 this week and we are currently investigating his 3DS which he got today. First time he has ever gotten something on the day of release, I am just as excited as he is because it is an amazing piece of technology. Also, during the week, Firstborn informed us that Barack Obama was selfish. When we asked him why he responded “because he took ‘yes we can’ from Bob the Builder”. That told us!
I hope everyone is keeping well and sending out lots of love to my friends, thank you for dropping by, I hope to resume normal operations soon. For now I just need to focus on my lovely HRH and see him right.