Happy Times Are Here Again
Reid is acing his move to the Adolescent Program at his school. Yesterday marked his first full day upstairs with a new Case Manager and several new teachers. This very intentional, gradual transition has been orchestrated over the past 6 months. With his Student of the Week certificate from downstairs still in the backpack, he was ready!
The inaugural call from my new liaison reported some towering high points: Reid is peer-tutoring another student in reading. They were impressed to witness his fast facts on planets and continents. “All the teachers really enjoy him,” she confided. And, on his way out of her class he heralded, “Thank you for the great class, Miss L!”
Wow, do I relish these moments as shreds of evidence that I have done something right. My latest mantra is that “manners matter.” Lo and behold, he is using them right there at school. Small wonder, he got off the bus last week saying, “Thank you Curt” to the driver. That’s my boy.
It’s been said, “when Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Around here the reality is, if Reid ain’t having a good week, ain’t nobody having a good week. The degree and frequency of his symptoms are such that, as much as we try to correct the imbalance, the household can still seem to revolve around his behavior. I know my mood does.
When old behaviors recur, there is the temptation for Jim and I to live on pins and needles communicating anxiously at the end of each day with the precarious question, “how was Reid’s day?” Remember the Admiral Boom on his widow’s walk in Mary Poppins, “Banks, shouldn’t wonder if you weren’t steering into a nasty piece of weather…” Suffice it to say, we make up for the lack of weather to report in San Diego.
In the homeschooling days I had this verse stenciled on the wall of our “classroom” to remind me not to base my moods on anything but God’s goodness; not to assess the day on anything except how close I was to the Living Water.
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” – Jeremiah 17:7-9
When I ask myself if fear takes over in the times of drought (like last month or the time before), I am surely convicted by the answer? Did I bear any fruit? (cringe) Most often, I shrivel up, hibernate, and wait for the “chancy bit of weather to blow over.” My friends know when I don’t call or answer; you can probably guess when there are no posts. The heat came and I was toast!
Happy times are here again and I am praising God for the evidence of joy and peace and victory in Reid’s day (and the rest of ours.) So it is I also realize again the distinction between being thanking for the gifts rather than the Giver. An authentic Christian, doesn’t forget in the dark what she knew in the light.
All parents have unique stresses as the result of raising children, but what is being done to help parents cope?
My name is Crystal Lee, and I am a doctorate student in clinical psychology at Baylor University. For my dissertation I am studying stress and ways of coping with stress in parents. My hope is to use the data from my dissertation to create an effective way to help parents cope with stress.
I am looking for parents of children ages 5-12 in three categories:
1. Parents of children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
2. Parents of children with Type 1 Diabetes
3. Parents of children with no diagnoses
If you meet the above criteria, please take this survey, which takes 30-45 minutes to complete: https://baylor.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_0GJF7ldjuBwBWEk
If you do not meet the above criteria, please consider forwarding the survey to any parents you know that fit the above criteria.
People who complete the survey can participate in a drawing for one of three $50 giftcards to Amazon.com. Additionally, people who refer others to the survey get their name added into the drawing for each person they refer.
If you have any questions regarding the study, you may contact me at [email protected]
Thank you for your time and help,
Crystal Lee, M.S.
Doctoral Student
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Baylor University