The First Bike Ride
Last month we put some training wheels on Bearhug’s old bike so that Little Bitty could start learning to ride. He is, after all, about the same age that his brothers were when we got their first bikes.
He was sooo excited!
Dh started off walking with him (even though he had the training wheels on).
Once it seemed that Bitty was getting the hang of it, dh let go.
Of course, after pedaling just a few feet, Bitty decided to try making a turn…
…which would’ve been no big deal, except that he turned at the high point of the hill in the yard.
Dh and I both went running to catch him before he crash-landed at the bottom… dh made it there first so I snapped a picture (hehe).
As you can see by the big grin, Bitty wasn’t scared at all. He thought it was great fun and wanted to ride down the hill again! Uh… no, Bitty. Stick to the sidewalks, little dude!
Do you remember your first time trying to ride a bike?