
Heart Warming Stories from a Teacher – Basketball Game

Basketball Game From:
These stories were submitted to me to share with our readers.  They are written through the eyes of a teacher.  Please enjoy and comment!

Basketball Game
Yesterday 9 of our students played basketball for forty minutes. For the forty minutes there was good sportsmanship being displayed by all of the students. Basketball rules were enforced for the students that had the skills to meet the rules. Students that did not have the skills were allowed to play using their best abilities. Students from each team allowed them to either pass or shoot without defending them. For forty minutes the students played without fighting and without swearing. When the two students had a held ball, the teams took turns on passing ball back into play. Our students have come a long way to play for this length of time without having conflicts of some sort. The score of the game was 56-48 and everyone who played scored.

Note on a Basketball Game
Earlier today I wrote a note on a remarkable basketball game yesterday. I told my students about the note. All day today at the school we left the computer on; to see how many people responded. I know that many of you have not had time to read the original note, but to those who did and responded to it. I want to thank you. My students hear praise from me all the time. They listened all afternoon for responses to my letter. It was wonderful for them to see how many more people were impressed with their good sportsmanship. Every response reinforced the message of the note. Basketball at PE today was even better than yesterday because my students took your kind words to heart. It was not just me praising them; it was the combined chorus of everybody that I sent the e-mail to. If you really want to change behavior praise the child when they are doing good. Today we reinforced good sportsmanship. I want to thank you all.


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