
The Best Laid Plans

My husband is out of town, spring break for the kids is coming to an end, and the weather has decided not to cooperate. Last night I made a plan to have today go smoothly. I had even planned to write a kick ass blog entry. What is the saying about plans? No need to really remind me.

This was the schedule as I went to bed last night:

  1. Work while sitter takes older kids to gymnastics and baby has early intervention therapy.
  2. Mail off expense report with time at the library.
  3. Home for a play date with one of my daughter’s special friends.

This is what happened:

  1. Sitter called from gymnastics and said “Open gym” was “Closed.” PDD-NOS daughter is having meltdown in the parking lot because of this. They go to an in door playground instead, but daughter keeps telling sitter, “I want to do gymnastics. There is no room for gymnastics.” Bummer for her.
  2. Son comes home starving because the peanut butter had jelly on it and the goldfish crackers were pizza instead of plain. I thought only “only children” could be so freaking picky.
  3. I am ready to take everyone to the post office for the expense report and then a quick trip to the library, and I can’t find my car keys. Where the hell are my keys? Keys? I better find those keys. Like I said, my husband is out of town and if I can’t take the kids anywhere this weekend Jack Nicholson will look like father of the year and you will see a blog post that says, “All work and no play make Pagie go crazy” over and over again. Maybe one or two blog posts that way…
  4. Found the keys but had no time to go to the library. I promised them we could go tomorrow if they were good at the post office. Then I thought, why drive to the post office now? We can do it all at once tomorrow.
  5. The little girl never shows up for the play date. I call her mom who didn’t get my email with directions to our house. She IS coming tomorrow, but still, tell my child her plan has changed AGAIN. She had already laid out all the dress up princess clothes and printed out the Disney Princess coloring sheets. It wasn’t fun this afternoon.

So out of three plans made, none of it came to pass-even though they did have fun at the indoor playground. That is why in the north, we say “It is what it is,” and THEN you don’t have a hissy fit if it isn’t exactly like your check list.

On a positive note, I did get all of my school work done, caught up the laundry, and made a wonderful dinner that involved no microwaving. The kids ate it too!

Did this blog post kick ass? Not sure, but I’m sure someone somewhere can relate.
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Page Pelphrey on Blogger
Page Pelphrey
I have three children: an autistic daughter and two very active little boys. Very rarely does autism affect a little girl, and I have yet to read a blog that matches my life and routine. I was a working mom until last year, when I began to work from home. I can't seem to do anything the way another SAHM would do it. I try to change a diaper and I hear a crash in the living room. I try to read a bedtime story and they want to know why the peddler didn't wake up when the monkeys stole his caps. I clean the bathroom in time for my semi-potty trained son to need it again. I somehow manage to make it to preschool, therapy, and the library with all three children but forget to buy milk. I love to write about my life, but I am a big Quack of a SAHM.
Page Pelphrey

Page Pelphrey

I have three children: an autistic daughter and two very active little boys. Very rarely does autism affect a little girl, and I have yet to read a blog that matches my life and routine. I was a working mom until last year, when I began to work from home. I can't seem to do anything the way another SAHM would do it. I try to change a diaper and I hear a crash in the living room. I try to read a bedtime story and they want to know why the peddler didn't wake up when the monkeys stole his caps. I clean the bathroom in time for my semi-potty trained son to need it again. I somehow manage to make it to preschool, therapy, and the library with all three children but forget to buy milk. I love to write about my life, but I am a big Quack of a SAHM.

0 thoughts on “The Best Laid Plans

  • Having children and trying to have things go according to schedule can be bad enough but having children that are on the autism spectrum and NEED routine and consistency can be even worse.
    Always have to look on the bright side though and realize what did go right. Funny how things can get so messed up though! Simple things!


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