
Word Play

The Boy and I are having our nightly cuddle, and today we are playing letter games.

One of us will pick a letter, and then we say as many words as we can that start with that letter.  He always wins as I forget what letters words start with, on account I am lying down so therefore only the files marked “Male Misdemeanors” are at the forefront of my mind, rather than anything intelligent.

Once a word has been said, it must be used in context, or it is disqualified or as The Boy deigns, it is “denied”.

Tonight, we have done “X” (extremely hard, especially in the context of phonics), “C”, “M” (which included my Spanish name, which is apparently Mum), “D” (with Daddy’s Spanish name being Dad), “L” (Lidster’s being Lid – you get the idea), and we are now doing “B”.

Mummy : “Brain, as in you have brains in your head”

Mummy (On a roll) : “Bum, as in you do stinky farts through your bum”

The Boy : “Boobies.” (followed by hysterical laughter) “Because you have boobies Mummy, and they make {Insert Classmate’s} Dads eyes go wibbly. He told {Insert Classmate} that they are in a wibbly wobbly world of their own.”

This is followed by more hysterical laughter, and a hearty ping at my bosom.

Naturally, I am horrified. And totally chuffed.

Karen Wiltshire

Karen Wiltshire

Ramblings from a deranged, adult company starved, wibbly mind

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