
On the Spectrum #85: Following Directions… EXACTLY

Well… I didn’t say to PUT IT ON upstairs!  It’s about a month early for a ‘Michael’s Birthday’ one. In any case, this is from his Birthday Party LAST year. (Boy how time flies!)

BTW… If anyone didn’t get what was going to happen here, check out #29.  Basically, Michael HATES being wet.  One drop of water on the cuff of his sleeve and he’ll take off ALL his clothes, down to his socks and underwear.  He’d take off his HAT if he’d been wearing one!  And he doesn’t really care where he is either.  No inhibitions, that one.

In case their Mom’s or Dad’s see this, this marks the first appearance of Michael’s friends Caleb and Dylan as well as Caleb’s Dad, Mike.  (Hopefully they can figure out which one’s are their kids! LOL)

On The Spectrum

On The Spectrum

A Webcomic about Autsim and Familiy Life by Scott Lynn

0 thoughts on “On the Spectrum #85: Following Directions… EXACTLY

  • Hilarious – and so like my son! I love On The Spectrum because I see so much of my own children in it.  

  • Why isn’t it supposed to be funny? I think his comic is lovely..and funny and full of love for his kids..wonderful.

  • Very cute illustration. Although it is not supposed to be funny, it did put a smile on my face. I used to love reading comic books as a little girl, and the format of this little story is like a comic book. I write blogs at regarding communication wellness and awareness. Feel free to visit our site for free parents resources!

  • This is exactly my problem. I must get precise orders or I am very likely to do the wrong thing despite most of the time I can understand what they actually mean.


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