Movie Ticket Giveaway – Week 3 – Winner Announced!
How far would you travel to heal someone you love?
The Horse Boy opens in September across the country.
Here’s a review about the movie:
Now, would you like a couple of tickets to see it?
Just leave a comment below, and be eligible to receive two tickets to see it.
Not on Autisable? That’s ok, you can DM us on Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook.
This week’s winners will be announced this Friday.
Good luck.
This Weeks Winner is: Smile4Leena CONGRATS!
Stay tuned next week – more tickets to give away!
i’m feeling very dejected 🙁 I’ve been wanting these tickets for forever!
July 2007 was the last time my wife and I went out together. We have been trapped ever since.
We are planning our escape for October 30, 2009 to the premier of The Horse Boy showing in Tulsa, OK.
The only piece of the puzzle remaining is to win these tickets. Crossing my fingers and holding my breath until I win…….hurry……….Im………turning………………………………………..