
A Splash of Normalcy

Normalcy We went swimming yesterday at a friend’s pool. I was feeling quite relieved to not have to worry about the teens at the city pool picking on the girls and was able to let me guard down. I sensed calmness within myself for the first time in a long time…

We splashed around and had a blast- I am sure none of felt any worries in the pool yesterday! We played Marco-Polo and talked about the birds flying over head and the horses in the distance.

In order not to spoil their enjoyment, when I was done I sat on the deck patiently waiting for them to conclude their game. As I watched the girls play this intricate game they created, I was amazed at witnessing the normalcy of sisterhood; something I often intend for the both of them.

During this moment each would jump off the side of the deck into the cool pool, first Emily then Sahara. They would rush over to their horses (red noodles) and gallop away from the Water Monster that I am sure was real to them within the depths of their shared imagination; Laughter filled the country air and warmed my motherly heart.
I recognized for a brief moment that had there been onlookers they would not have been able to tell that autism was in their midst. In this moment we looked like a typical family having a typical moment in the pool. It was in this realization that I understood that Sahara was emerging from this label and Emily was emerging from loneliness of having her sibling experience autism.


Mother, Wife, Autism Advocate, Crunchy Mom Wanna Be, Reiki Master, Blogger, Young Living Essential Oil Education Coach and Mentor. I am the mother of two fantastic, expressive, healthy daughters who happen to be on the autism spectrum.

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