
There is hope at the end of the Tunnel! Our battle against the Autism Pandemic has to start at home

When I see the staggering and heartbreaking statistics of children suffering from Autism or Neurological disorders in this Country, I get so upset that I wish I could tower over the world and make it stop! But I am only a mom and I am certain that all my battles start at home, and this is what I am doing today!

According to the latest estimates, 1 in 67 children has Autism, 1 in 6 children suffers a developmental disorder, and 1 in 38 boys has Autism. Isn’t this the REAL PANDEMIC?????

It makes me laugh so hard when I see the “Swine Flu Pandemic” news! Are they being serious? The last one I heard was: “1 Million Cases Worldwide of Swine Flu! Beware! Vaccinate your family and be prepared!!!” Ha ha ha! Excuse me! But the World’s Population is over 6 Billion and growing! Isn’t 1 million like 1% ???

Ok, let’s pause on this. Do you know that the CDC has estimated that each year in the United States 36,000 people will die of complications from the Regular Flu? So far this year, there have been only 87 deaths reported on the Swine Flu Issue. Don’t get me wrong! Every death is a loss and bigger or smaller numbers do not diminish their importance. What is wrong, and what I am criticizing is the approach of Authorities on our health issues. They are giving almost no importance to the outrageous numbers of children suffering from Autism and Development Disorders. It is not normal to suffer from this! It is not part of nature and we don’t just have to comply with the system and fold in without a word being said.

Moms! Dads! It is time to fight for our children’s future! It is time for us to take control of lives and their health. Health Care officials in the United States are not helping us to stop the madness. They are just making us jump through the hoops of medical bureaucracy to assure that our children will have a long life of medical bills covered! This is not fair, this is not right and we have to say something!

For now, once again, our battles begin at home. We have kids to care for the best way we can. The road ahead has many possibilities, but we have to search proactively for them and choose the ones the better suit our family’s case. Here, is where I want to introduce you to a fantastic Mom that did not fold in after her son’s Autism diagnoses. She started her own crusade to improve her son’s quality of life and so far, she has reached fantastic results! Changes do not come easy, but sometimes we have to do what we have to do for those we love. Her name is Gina Laverde and through her experience, she has developed a new vision in life, a new approach to this illness, and great tools to aid others in their own journey.

If you want to know more about her, I invite you to meet with Gina, this Friday, July 3rd, 2009 (Tonight) at 10:00 PM Eastern on my show, Holistic Living for Today’s Moms. This is an open Live Stream Show from that allows mothers to share, learn and discuss topics otherwise reserved to the privacy of our homes.

Share the news, spread the voice, begin your battle! I hope to see you on Friday.

Liseth Araya


I am a mother of 3 and a crafter. This is my alter ego! I have learned that the quality of our family's life depends on the choices that we make as Parents. This is all about our life's experiences and our attempts to make it a little better every day.

0 thoughts on “There is hope at the end of the Tunnel! Our battle against the Autism Pandemic has to start at home

  • I wonder if there is really more Autism today or if we are just more aware of it. My first Adopted son who is 40 had all the classic symptoms of Autism, But back then when he was a child no one ever heard the term Aspergers. Autism was thought to be a diagnosis for only those hwo couldn’t talk. I met many moms who’s children had the same issues as my child but they all got the LD label. (Learning Disabled)

  • Have you noticed that the government is encouraging more vaccines whose safety has not been proved, while ignoring autism?  Have you noticed that as our rights have decreased, the cases of autism have increased?  I won’t go as far as to say that it is being intentionally caused – but I will say, that it appears to me the ever-increasing forces of tyranny which are slowly gaining control of our government have decided they don’t care about autism because … *gasp*… children (and adults with child-like mentalities) are much easier to control.  Think about it.

  • I think the best thing that can come of this is to break the standard ‘mold’ that exludes much more than autistic people in our institutions and educational system, but the whole ‘pandemic’ thing is just a media blitz.  Autism would have been more ‘rampant’ back in the 1960’s, too, if they had broadened their medical definition back then.  I lived through just missing the diagnosis, and I cringe at the way words are flung around the media to ‘raise awareness’, or more, raise the freak-out factor.


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