Autisable Dads

S4 E13 Employing Autistic Individuals to Preserve Priceless Memories

When my mom died, I inherited the title of the family genealogist. I also inherited countless photo albums and videos.

For many years she spent countless hours researching her side of the family in order to reach a specific goal – to prove that she could be a member of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). This goal meant something to her, and when she reached it, she was able to check that off of her bucket list. It also meant that I qualify for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution, as well as my own son.

That may mean nothing to you, but it meant a lot to my mom. And it may mean something to my nieces and nephew.

But what can I do with all of these images, the pictures, and these videos I received? How can I digitize this information – and share it with others in my family?

Preserving this information will be necessary, especially as I get older.

Enter fellow autism dad and CEO of Heirloom CloudGeoff Weber.

Geoff and I talk this week about why he started Heirloom Cloud and their initiative in hiring Autistic Individuals as an integral part of their company – preserving priceless memories.

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For those curious about the cover photo this week, I took it.  Click Here if you like this week’s cover photo.

Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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