
Autism Today on Autism Live

For those who have been in the Autism community since the late ’90s, the website is synonymous with providing quality resources and information that can benefit autism families. was started by Karen Simmons, out of frustration in finding quality treatments and resources for her son with special needs.  She personally sifted through countless resources to find the support they so desperately needed.  As a result, AutismToday developed several conferences in North America that have benefited many autism families and individuals.

As Autisable became more established in the autism community, I was blessed to be connected with Karen Simmons and was part of a leadership conference she held online.  This was several years ago, and since then we’ve helped each other along the way.

Autism Today’s website has been completely redesigned, with Karen and her team are moving forward with several new initiatives – of which I’m excited to share their efforts!

Here is Karen talking with Shannon and Nancy on Autism Live:
(if you haven’t subscribed to Autism Live, you should, Shannon and Nancy have some amazing guests and I love their work!)

For more about Autism Today, visit
AutismToday is also here on Autisable!



Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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