
Building A Home That Caters To A Child With Disabilities

It’s no secret that modern homes are built around average people. Doorways will be a pain for those who are too tall while reaching cupboards can be a nightmare for those who are shorter, and there are loads of other examples of restrictions that people will face at home thanks to the size and shape of their body. This only gets harder when disabilities are thrown into the mix, and this is particularly bad for children. To help you to overcome this, this post will be exploring the steps that you can take to build a home that works perfectly with your child’s disabilities.

The Layout

The layout of your home can make a dramatic difference when it comes to your child’s life. For example, if your kid can’t use their legs as other people can, having a home with stairs would make it extremely difficult for them to get around. Instead, a bungalow would make more sense, taking away the challenge of climbing stairs in a wheelchair or with crutches. Conditions like autism will require a different approach, with the distance between you and your child being a key factor to consider as you build the place. Home design can be hard, and it’s always worth trying to find a professional to help you.

The Facilities

Once you have the layout figured out, it will be time to start thinking about the facilities in your new home. There are loads of options available for those living with disabilities, and the modern market is making it easier than ever to get your hands on them. Wet rooms and rails are ideal for those with physical disabilities, making it easier to wash and navigate around the building. For kids that have mental disabilities rather than physical ones, though, you may want to look at creating safe spaces that make your child feel comfortable. A lot of research has gone into this field, especially when it comes to autism, giving you a great head start.

A Normal Home

There are few things worse for a disabled child than feeling like their life is abnormal. While they will struggle with challenges other children will never have to experience, they will be just the same as any other kid on the inside. Making their home feel as normal as possible should be a key goal as you go through this. Building the place from scratch gives you an excellent opportunity to achieve this goal, with the ability to hide the equipment and facilities you’re using to help your little one.

Living with disabilities is hard, especially when they belong to your child. Building your house around the problems your kid faces will make life much easier, while also giving you more time to focus on helping them to flourish. As time goes on, this will only get simpler, and you will quickly become an expert in the field of disabled living.


*this is a collaborative post

Featured Image by Yomex Owo on Unsplash


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