

I’ve been busy the past week or so but I’ve finally got round to writing a new post!

S has been OK-ish the last couple of weeks, although lately, I’ve noticed he has changed his DVD viewing habits. He’s taken to watching CBeebies DVDs or big cook little cook and Pingu. Ok so that’s not a bad thing, nothing to worry about really but take that along with the fact that he’s been a little bit different, I’m wondering if there’s something up with him.

The “Dark” thing has not been an issue too much, yes all the lights are on and yes he still says “Dark..take me to bed!” but it’s not a huge impact on our lives.

He has though been quieter than usual at times, being on his own more and showing his “babyface” as I call it. “Babyface” is when he starts to act differently. His facial expression is different, that of a scared toddler, he talks differently, calling me “mama” and his voice sounds all “babyish”. He has always done this so I’m used to it. I think its a form of regression, to act like a toddler again because he finds it difficult being his age, the demands of school etc and its a damn sight easier to act like a baby/toddler. I always wonder if there is a reason that triggers him to act like this, or if its just the way his autism is with him, periods of regression at home and then times when he acts pretty much OK. I’ve never been able to find out a reason from him, and I think it because he cannot actually express the way he is feeling. I’m not even sure if he knows himself. I’m leaning towards the …the way his autism is with him… theory but what with the changes coming up I hope that they don’t push him further into a regression.

The big change is coming up in September (I have to start thinking about it now, well actually I’ve been thinking about before now!) as he goes to middle school. I’ve already had to explain that he will be going every day as he thought it would be only once a week and he would be staying at primary school! The new school have been great so far so I have no worries about him going, he is going to do well and get a lot of support for a change, which will help improve his reading (its a few years behind because he doesn’t “do” books) I wonder if he is thinking about changing school, and that is the reason he has changed lately, but when I ask him he says no, and says everything is fine, as usual. I just hope he copes OK with the change after a few weeks of settling in. With the support, he should do.

So that’s it so far, I hope that my ramblings have made sense! I find it quite hard sometimes as everything that S does is “normal” to me, so I have to think “is this worth writing about”! So far, so good though!




Im a full time single mum of 2 boys. My eldest son is 9 and has autism, my 4 year old does'nt! im studying creative writing with the ou, and i'm a sci fi geek...sorry!

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