
A Voice

Saying things is so important to everyone
but we have a hard time with this

Please want for us to be happy
and ask yourself if words are so important

Please give us all a chance to express ourselves

When I am able to say what I need, want, and see, can access my world better
I can do this by doing my work, writing with my mom

When I am seen as whole, will be seen as well doing
When I am given love, can make all world difference for me

When I am given respect, am able to understand my world better
When I can understand better, I can do better every day

Doing weird things helps me when I am stressed during a meltdown
When we are upset don’t be wanting us to go away

when you are angry we are not able to cope as well
each day be our loving support so we can overcome it

we want you to be proud
so be happy when we try

Be at peace with us as we are




A blog where a non-verbal 10 year old Autistic Angel named Sarah can spread her messages and where her mommy Meredith just tags along.

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