#1 Reconnect Autism Testimony
I am the mother of a 12 year old boy named Logan that we adopted as an infant. When we adopted him at 7 weeks old we knew he had some medical issues. Over the years new diagnosis’ would occur. His first was a traumatic brain injury, then cerebral palsy and on to sensory processing disorder. As a toddler we add anxiety disorder. In kindergarten comes the ADHD diagnosis and that is also when we learn he has short term memory loss. Then OCD. At 11 finally autism, which we suspected from a neatly age.
Over the years Logan has needed speech, physical, occupational and phycological therapy. This spring we started him on antidepressants to help him with his anxiety. All Logan’s symptoms amplified. He now became very afraid, thought everyone was out to get him and his OCD went through the roof. Logan wasn’t able to make it to lunch time at school without having a meltdown. He was having multiple meltdowns in a day. The day he told me in his 11 year old voice that he wanted to kill himself is the day I knew changes needed to be made. We immediately took him off his antidepressants. We talked to other people to get advice on how to help Logan.
It was during this time that a caring teacher of Logan’s heard about Young Living and the work they were doing with autism and kids. She approached the distributor and shared about Logan. The distributor requested a meeting with me for May 29th. Now, if I didn’t have so much respect for this teacher I would have never gone to hear this hokey pokey stuff. But I did go. I listened to the distributor talk about Mr Young’s personal story, about the company and how the oils got there start. She shared about another mothers struggle to help her daughter with autism. She told me she had one sample bottle from the company. It was intended for another family and the same day my sons teacher approached her the other family decided not to give it a try. I decided it was worth trying and was sent home with Valor and (Reconnect Oil Blend) and instructions on how to use them.
Now my real challenge began. If you know anything about autistic kids, they don’t like change. I had to convince my son to give it a try. I was instructed to use Valor in the evening and both oils in the morning. So I went home with some doubt. That night I convinced my son (actually threatened to ground him from his electronics) and put the oil on. He went from protesting and yelling at me to protesting in a normal voice in just a few minutes. I told him the oils must be working already and he asked me how I knew. I told him he stopped yelling and calmed down. He realized he did and went to sleep without another word. The next morning he pulled those little feet out from the covers and request me to “put on my oils”. That day he had a really great day at school. The first time in a long time. After school he had speech therapy for an hour. I asked the therapist how he did. She said “he did good, no, he did better than good”. I was happy. But could this have just been a good day for Logan? I just didn’t know. My husband and I kept hashing this out saying it couldn’t be just the oils. He had a great day Saturday. It happened again, a great day Sunday too. Even when he got switched to a new Sunday school class he did great. This continued into the next school week and we were amazed. I’m not saying he was “perfect” but a whole lot better. We went from 7-10 big meltdowns in a week to only one. That meltdown happened at school when another child was picking on him.
Logan only had the oils for the last week of school but it was the best week in the entire school year. Autistic kids do not like change but change is what Logan experienced that last week. From class trips to assemblies and field fun day. It was amazing to hear my son interacting with typical kids on field day. Logan typically would have avoided this activity at all costs. That day he participated in every event. Something unheard of in Logan’s world. That last day of school, Logan did have a melt down after school. It took a while but Logan was finally able to express his feelings. After school it had dawned on him that he would not longer be attending the same school and would not see his old teachers again. This hit him hard emotionally.
The day after school was out Logan had an occupational therapy appointment. When that appointment was over the therapist came to me with a big smile on her face. She said Logan had the best session ever. He wanted to start right away, kept focus, did not get upset when he did work wrong and behaved like a champ. It was then I told her about the oils and she was amazed.
I have noticed a relationship change between Logan and his older sister. They are playing together more and a lot of laughing is going on. I asked his big sis what she thought and in her teenager words she said “Logan’s not a jerk anymore and he is more fun to be with. Those oils are helping him a lot”. She has become a Valor user herself as she suffers from scoliosis and wears a back brace to bed every night. The first night she she used it she was amazed how quickly she fell asleep and did not wake till morning.
I know my husband likes the new Logan. That next weekend he took Logan to stay at the cottage. On the way home he realized he forgot the oils there but it was already late. The next day after work he made the hour drive right back to the lake to get Logan’s oils.
The best part is Logan knows the oils are helping. When he feels more stressed he will ask for an extra dose of Valor. This is where we have adjusted the oils for him. On days that the air pressure drops, Logan suffers more. This happens with kids who have traumatic brain injuries. We just increase the oils from twice a day to 3 times a day.
In 2 weeks time I’ve gone from not believing in this hokey pokey stuff to becoming a distributor. As a family we look forward to trying other products. I feel much better giving my children something natural than drugs with such harsh side effects.
I am interested in this. My son is almost the same with a few different issues. Autism anxiety depression ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder OCD list goes on.
He has meltdowns and has had to be taken out of public school and is in a school for special needs and still having a lot of difficulty. I am willing to try anything and I have heard these oils work. I am a desperate mom looking for help. He is on 6 different meds and trust me when I say we have tried to stop the meds but that has been so not successful. Please any info would be welcomed.