BloggersGuest User Post

An Ish Site That Matters

I hate on the ish sites a lot, mainly because they are pointless, dumb, and somewhat insulting*cough*mancouch*cough* but I have noticed one that I really like.

The one ish site, that I feel is trying to be helpful, informative, and interesting is autisable. I guess I have a personal interest in it, since one of the boys that ride the bus that I work on is autistic, so I have more interest in the topic. Unfortunately, if the world were honest, a lot of people are uncomfortable around people with disabilities, especially autism.

This fear or awkwardness is mainly because of ignorance. People have no knowledge of autism and how they react to the world, so they just stay as far away, as if they have something that the world may catch. It saddens me when I say people intentionally avoiding a child with autism, or worse, laughing in the corner about how “weird” they are.

I used to be one of those people, I thought they were weird, and someone with autism made me uncomfortable to be around. They were so spontaneous and their moods change very quickly, so I often resorted to little to no contact with them.

What really changed my mind and caused me to view them differently, was knowledge and familiarity. The more I was around them, and the more I understood the way they viewed the world, the more comfortable I felt around them. Really, how many things in life can be solved by knowledge and familiarity? The problem is that the average person doesn’t want to take the time to educate themselves and familiarize themselves with the things they fear.

I honestly believe that knowledge can be gained from autisable, the one ish site that matters. Unfortunately, they can’t give you familiarity, but they can give you the knowledge that may lead to some familiarity. Why not go over and read a few posts there, you may be surprised what you learn. It’s sad to me, how few people seem to care about this great ish site. I guess everyone is too preoccupied with talking about how hot Megan Fox is.

The world is a sad place.

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0 thoughts on “An Ish Site That Matters

  • Anonymous

    I think people want to avoid it because they don’t want to say the wrong things. It makes them uncomfortable and if they pretend it’s not there, it’s not real. This new autism is throwing me, honestly, so I come here to get different views. New autism? Absolutely. They’ve gone diagnosis-crazy lately. Nowadays, any kid who’s shy, quiet, or easily frustrated is labeled as autistic. It’s ridiculous and it takes away from helping the kids who actually need our extra attention.

    Autisable stories are real and I like hearing how parents are dealing. I was deathly afraid to have children because of autism. I still don’t think I can breathe easily until DD is past the age when they start diagnosing kids, around 2 or 3.

  • I agree with this post.

    Anyone notice that autisible blogs get infinitely less comments than the other ish blogs?

  • Autism is such a popular cause. I have a god child with slight autism, and a friend I really love with it. So, in a way, I am so glad that it’s popular. That’s my whole M.O. Make things look cool and get it popular so the superficial monied will support it and get their tax write offs. Too many years behind the scenes at a children’s shelter doing a variety of fundraisers has jaded me. But I agree, why isn’t there a site for M.R.? At day’s end, I am glad for ANY site that talks about understanding differences. The mancouch is advancing the understanding of differences and so is lovelyish.

  • Buhhh,
    yeah its informative, its about one certain disorder. Also, after being
    a Autisable reader for awhile, it can’t be too informative for a long
    time since you keep learning about it. And you have a liking to this
    because it pertains to you. Of course if your a woman, you might lean
    more towards Lovelyish. If you like to go on vacation, you would go to
    Tripcrazed. I think all of the sites matter, just because this one is about something serious doesn’t mean its the best.

    Just to put it out there, I’m all for Stonerish.

  • Autisable is personally my favorite ish- site, I went to school and had classes with 4 autistic children all through out elementary school and the teachers never told us anything about them or what their disability was. Only one of them would talk and she didnt talk to anyone but her mother. They all sat in the back of the class room away from the other children with their parents and a special teacher.(im not sure what the other women was, im just guessing)  Im comfortable around autistic people because of familiarity. I didnt really have any kind of knowledge or interest in them until I started reading these blogs.

  • Kids with autism have a genius DNA string in them. They are either awful in math and genius in literature or vise versa. There’s the liberal arts world and the science world. Usually an autistic child will be extremely dominant in one rather than balanced in both. It’s amazing what they can know. 

  • Absolutely. Autisable is the real thing. The other -ishes are just dumbing things down, and making them bland. They are leading to a ghettoization of Xanga, but worse than that for with the prevalent editing style and the censorship, they’re creating a sort of homogenized, sterilized, and pasteurized ghettos, with different labels, but everything else is the same.

  • Well said. Autisable is definitely a much more important and informative site than Mancouch and other ish sites.

  • Anonymous

    I’m proud to have been a contributer to Autisable too! Probably most of the ISH sites have “limited” readership. That is by design! Men may not have much interest in “Momaroo” and ladies, hopefully, don’t read “Mancouch” (more appropriately, “locker room bench”).

  • @scrambledmegzntoast@hardestlevel – I think Autisable caters to a new audience, not just one that’s on Xanga.

    As for an ish for other disorders and diseases – I say, “why not?”

    @RoAngie467@momaroo – some of the mom’s on momaroo also contribute to Autisable – which I think is pretty cool. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    I think Autisable has a very limited audience built in, just like, apparently, Hardest Level. I get the appeal to people who have and work with Autistic kids, but, honestly, why would I be here? I get that Autism exists, but why would I need to read about it on a regular basis? I am not saying Autisable shouldn’t exist, it just seems to be that there is limited appeal. It also leads to the obvious questions: why no ish for Cancer, AIDS, or Down’s Syndrome, for example?

  • This site is great, but I think Momaroo is also one of the better sites. There’s good parenting advice on there. Did you know that Mama Elephant blogs about her experiences raising a son with Down’s Syndrome?

  • I personally get entertained and never got much out of ThePopSite, which I am glad is taking a long hiatus. But out all the ish sites, I’m surprised that this isn’t Paul’s favorite. He has been talking about -ish sites that we need and all.


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