
Autism Light: Graceland Mansion

Graceland Mansion was the home of the late Elvis Presley from 1957-1977.  Graceland became a National Historic Landmark on March 27, 2006, and is located in Memphis, Tennessee. Graceland Mansion is an Autism Light for their participation in the Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue Campaign for Autism Awareness in April. 

Wikipedia describes Graceland as “a large white-columned mansion and 13.8-acre (5.6 ha) estate that was home to Elvis Presley in Memphis, Tennessee. It is located at 3764 Elvis Presley Boulevard in the vast Whitehaven community about 9 miles (14.5 km) from Downtown and less than four miles (6 km) north of the Mississippi border. It currently serves as a museum. It was opened to the public on June 7, 1982 (Source).”  It is the second most popular private residence in the United States for tours behind the White House. You can learn more about Graceland through their Wikipedia Page.

Autism Mother’s Crusade: Cindy Wynn-Brandon was instrumental in helping obtain Graceland’s first year of involvement in the Light It Up Blue campaign in 2012. Cindy Wynn-Brandon has a 9-year-old son named Noah who has autism. More on her story and involvement was featured on the Autism Speaks blog.

The Light It Up Blue Ceremony: Here is a video of the Graceland Mansion Light It Up Blue ceremony held on April 4, 2012, featuring Kerry Magro who was Autism Light # 119. Kerry Magro is doing an excellent job in his role of helping draw attention to landmarks who are going to Light It Up Blue for autism awareness.

For information on Graceland visit their website at  Graceland also issued an online news release on their participation in the Light It Up Blue campaign.

Special thanks to Graceland Mansion for their willingness to Light It Up Blue. Graceland Mansion holds two distinctions on the Autism Light blog. They are the first landmark participating in the Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue Campaign to be featured on Autism Light. Graceland Mansion is also the first Autism Light from the State of Tennessee.
Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.

Photo: The photo of Graceland Mansion is in the Creative Commons of Wikipedia and is attributed to Jan Kronsell.

Alan Stokes

Alan Stokes

Autism Light is an upbeat but real blog that takes readers on a journey that recognizes diverse heroes in and for the autism community.

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