
He’s Not Stupid

Just because he doesn’t speak, doesn’t mean he can’t understand the words you say.
He’s not “dummy”,
he’s not “stupid”,
he’s not “crazy”,
he’s not “a ‘tard”.
He’s not a “problem”,
he’s not a “pain”.

I don’t care if you think you’re being funny or you think I’m hilarious when you piss me off. I don’t care if you aren’t saying these things to him or if you say these things to him because you honestly think “he doesn’t know what I’m saying” what I care about is that he does know what you are saying. He does hear you, he does understand. I care that your words hurt him. He’s not “stupid”. Maybe, just maybe he’s actually smarter than you because he knows when to keep his words to himself. and maybe, just maybe, you ought to think before you speak and if you don’t have something nice to say, shut up.

(image above from Autism with a Side of Fries)

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I cover every aspect of parenting at some point in time, including but not limited to; the awesome privilege of being a mom, teenage parenting, being a grandparent, ADHD, teenage ridiculousness, ADHD, Autism, ADHD, and marriage in the chaos, and all of the wonderful moments in between.

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