Making Sense of Scratching, Biting and Clawing
It’s December 27th…probably the worst possible day to write a blog and expect that someone will read it…much less respond to it. But who cares…I have time to write and I just had a good conversation with a buddy of mine who is also a daddy with a son with autism and so it motivated me to write a blog. So…to the tens of people out there today on December 27th who are blogging or searching…this is for you!
My friend and I talked about how at times our sons (his 5 and mine 7-years-old) can have immediate fits where they scratch and bite and claw and do all that fun stuff that comes with autism.
I don’t know why his does it, but I think my wife and I have somewhat made sense of William’s fits…and it all is about communication. UGH!
Lately we’ve noticed that he’ll claw/bite/scratch/pinch whatever when he just can’t communicate his needs and wants. Yeah, yeah, yeah this sounds pretty simple but as he gets older, it’s more and more complex.
William recently reverted back to scratching/clawing/biting not just when he doesn’t get his way, but when he can’t express what he wants and he is embarrassed.
Yep…he’s embarrassed that he can’t explain what he wants.
Wow…it hit me like a ton of bricks when we finally realized this. It wasn’t that he didn’t get a toy or treat, it’s when he knows that he did something that he shouldn’t have done or that he did something that brings him negative attention.
The mind of the autistic child is so fascinating. I wish I could just plug into my son’s brain and see how he sees–someone will develop that and will become a Gillionaire!
Yes he still gets upset when he gets in trouble or doesn’t get his way, but the older my son gets the more i see that his frustration is not only in his lack of communication, but that he understands that he’s not “typical” and that he sees how at times it brings him attention that isn’t the right kind of attention.
Anyone else have similar experiences? Thoughts? Words of advice or in addition to?
I am also experiencing similar issues with my 8 year old son. He bites himself so much the his wrist feels like leather. That has now progressed to attacking other people by biting,scratching or kicking. We discovered that he had colitis and are treating it but we have not seen any real progress since treating it. I am trying to enlist a behavioral therapist to help. It helps to know that I am not alone with these behavioral issues. Keep up the blogging-someone is listening.