Having a Normal Christmas
It is thundering and raining here this morning. The kids are playing with their Christmas gifts that we opened last night. Hubby is sleeping off a night shift.
The weather fits my mood….. I am feeling very sombre this morning. Last night the main thing Hubby did at work as a nurse was to call a family and let them know their Father has passed away on Christmas Day. He said it was the worst thing he has ever had to do in 15 years of nursing.
I am so glad he was there to do it though, for the families sake. He told me they took extra care preparing the mans body for them to visit. He was choked up about it, and I couldn’t help thinking that if I had to receive news like that I’d want it to be from someone like him, who after all this time still struggles with his emotions at a time like that.
I am thinking of all the people around the world who have suffered loss in the last couple of weeks and months. Of those who are facing their first Christmas without their son or daughter, mother or father, brother or sister……
I am thinking of all the people around the world who have no home, no food, no safe place to rest.
I am thinking of how lucky I am. My Normal Christmas might include shift work for Hubby, managing Sensory Overload Meltdowns, and this year a long drive to visit an elderly relative in hospital with a broken hip- but I have so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful for my Wonderful Hubby, my Amazing Children, my supportive extended Family, my home, a bit of money in the bank, the ability to be able to choose to buy some presents and have a special meal. I am thankful for my health and that of my family, for great support from both Medical Professionals and Friends in our journey. For laughter. For warmth. For safety.
I’d like to wish the same for you all, too. I hope your Normal Christmas is one of happiness and peace, however you are spending the day.
Happy Christmas!