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Speaking about Autism

Every now and then I’m asked to do interviews or do some public speaking engagement.

Like many people, there is a fear associated with speaking in public in front of an audience – with all those eyes on you.


It’s taken me a long time to adjust to the concept of being in a crowd, but I still get the panic moments coming after I speak.


With all the fear and trepidation, I still feel compelled to share what life is like and how my son’s Autism has changed our family – but more importantly how as a father it has affected who I am.

A bit selfish?  yes, but in order to understand my son more – I have to read a listen more to what others are going through, and maybe… just maybe I will start to catch on to what is going on in my son’s mind.


I remember someone telling me that once I get comfortable speaking in public than I know it’s time to stop.   

Well, if the current fear still holds true – than it will be awhile before I get comfortable.


Do you speak about Autism publicly?  How do you handle public speaking?

Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

0 thoughts on “Speaking about Autism

  • My brother is the Autism expert in the family(going for a PhD in the area) so he would be the one to do public speaking about Autism.

    I am the Schizophrenia expert in the family(I have it and research it and post about it in my Schizable posts) so I think I would be comfortable enough with the subject to share my experiences.


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