Autism and Vaccinations – My Thoughts
Today I sit here as it’s a thought in the back of my mind. I am not trying to find someone or something to blame for my son’s autism. Let me tell you what I found out and tell me it’s not a coincidence. Can’t help but wonder.
I was reading a lawyers website about the vaccinations and the companies that had mercury in their shots. I signed up with the lawyer only to find out it was well over three years so they couldn’t help me. They are keeping me in their database. It’s not the fact I wanted to sue someone for money as that was not my intentions for the contact. My intentions were if indeed the vaccinations did cause my sons autism then I wanted accountability from the manufacturer.
I first printed the list of manufacturers. Then I set that aside. I started writing down all the dates that Dakota was diagnosed or signs were being shown. At 4 1/2 months, Dakota started having these weird and funky blinking seizures. We were on a trip away from home when this happened. Then at 10 1/2 months, we noticed signs of autism. Those are the two that go way back. I know there is a third and I have it all written down but I can’t remember off hand.
I then pulled out the immunization records on Dakota. I circled the 4 1/2 months and around 10 1/2 months. Keep in mind that some of his immunizations were late due to trying to figure out his seizures. Well, low and behold when I pulled out the manufacturer list there was a manufacturer on that list that contained mercury. So I can’t help but wonder if this just a coincidence or was it the vaccinations. Some say yes and some say no. I am not writing this up to start a debate. This is just my pondering thoughts talking. Did you ever think about that with your children?
Dakota then back in 2005 had his first MMR shot well he was one of the kids that had a seizure from it. I also heard somewhere they were thinking the MMR shot caused autism. Well if it does he was long diagnosed before this shot happened.
Maybe later this weekend I might post some videos from youtube about the pros and cons of what these specialists say. Whether or not they really do or don’t is yet to be determined. Again I am not trying to start a debate as I know this is a very touchy subject.
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since i am in healthcare i must disagree with uncappedv who completely trashed vaccinations and remember how many lives were lost. while the likelihood of vaccinations causing autism may occur although rare you will be smacking yourself over the head if your child gets measles, mumps rubella. the parents that dont vaccinate their children are depending on other parents to keep vaccinating theirs. as long as other ppl do then their child is safe but if this trend and fear continues then these diseases can begin reappearing and this affects us as a whole society.
“This actually happened between 1989 and 1991 when an epidemic of measles broke out in the United States. Lapsing rates of immunization among preschoolers led to a sharp increase in the number of measles cases, deaths, and children with permanent brain damage. Even in 2008, the number of cases of measles in the United States more than doubled from recent years. Most of the cases were among people who had not been vaccinated. Similar outbreaks of whooping cough (pertussis) struck Japan and the United Kingdom in the 1970s after immunization rates declined.”
From everything I’ve read, the child generally already has the genetic markers for autism, and the vaccinations can SOMETIMES activate it. I’m sorry your kid has autism, but rather than trying to find out why it happened, just enjoy him the way he is.
i agree with you.. i HATE vaccinations and i am so sorry that i had my son get them when he was a baby, now- no way! It could be that the vaccinations causeed Dakota’s autism but then maybe not, but most likely yes. I am sorry your son has Autism, but if you ever have any more kids.. DON”T vaccinate them!
Maybe it’s just easier to blame something outside yourself for it. That’s perfectly understandable. But the likelihood of it being a big conspiracy is pretty unlikely. Better to spend your time with your son just enjoying him as he is, instead of trying to figure out why.
I’m very confident that Autism is a genetic marker that can be activated by certain things – maybe multiple things. I think you will find it is a lost cause to try and pin your son’s Autism on a vaccination. I hate when people discourage vaccinations – that have helped us come SO far as human beings, as people.
So I think it looks just like a big coincidence, good luck on your search, but I think unless you are a scientist, you will not be able to understand or find an answer to your question, and it may just cause you fatigue and stress. Try not to find the solution, try to focus on the blessing that you have that is your child, and live with how they are day to day. You will find things that will help them out.
I understand what your saying. I to would like to find the answer. My son was also late on getting his shots. The blood test they ran did not show any traces of mercury. I blame myself for some reason guess it was the health classes in high school about the danger of smoking pot. No i don’t and haven’t smoked since a few times in high school but I wonder if that could have been a cause of my sons autism?
Here in Canada – they stopped putting mercury in the vaccinations in the mid 90’s – what you are talking about was the same with my son – but no mercury…coincidence…yes…in our case it is. Our son got these weird fevers that were at 103 degrees for days – all he would do was sleep, wake up long enough to get a water and then back to sleep, no one could figure out what caused them and after the fever broke – he seemed to “reset” back a few months and then we would have to start over again on a few things…he hasn’t had one for about a year…first time in his life and he is now 6 1/2. Go figure. I don’t believe vaccines cause or trigger autism. GL with your quest.
I don’t think there’s enough evidence either way, to be honest.
It’s a scary thought that a vaccination could have been the cause for your son’s autism. You would really think that the government would take better care of it;s citizens. :/ It’s a shame, really. Well hopefully it’s not what you think. . .good luck and have a good’n.