
Autism Light: Cathy Dionne

Cathy Dionne is the Director of Programs and Administration for the Autism Society of Maine, located in Winthrop, Maine. Cathy has worked for the Autism Society of Maine since 1997. Cathy Dionne is an Autism Light for her years of service to provide programs that help meet the needs of those with autism in Maine and those who care about them.

Cathy Dionne said even though there’s still “almost that pity look” when people hear a child has autism she has this message for parents.

Autism is very treatable. There is a lot of hope out there. There’s a lot of services out there too. There are a lot of people who care about these children and adults (Source).Over the past several years The State of Maine has been either #2 or #3 on the list for the highest prevalence of autism rates in the United States, based on percentage of population. The programs and services that Cathy Dionne provides through the Autism Society of Maine are a potential blessing to the over 2,500 families in Maine who have children with autism. The Autism Society of Maine is also able to assist with the needs of adults with autism as well. The following is a PBS interview with Cathy Dionne where she describes the Autism Society of Maine’s programs for autism.


Watch Autism Society of Maine on PBS. See more from Making Our Way: Autism.
In the above video Cathy Dionne mentions three important services that the Autism Society of Maine does for autism. They are as follows:

  1. Lending Library–Over 900 media materials are available and they can be shipped out upon request.
  2. Autism Information Specialist–This allows people to get referrals for local specialists that they can talk directly with about autism related needs.
  3. Summer Camp–This is a free Summer Camp for children in Maine who have autism.
Cathy Dionne explains about autism in the following video for Autism Spectrum Disorder – Take 10 by Maine Parenting Federation.


Social Media: You can find Cathy Dionne on LinkedIn.

Special thanks to Cathy Dionne for the work she is doing to reach the people in the State of Maine on behalf of Autism. It is a well deserved recognition that she is the first Autism Light from the State of Maine. 

Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.

Photo: The photo in this post is used with permission of Cathy Dionne. 


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Alan Stokes

Alan Stokes

Autism Light is an upbeat but real blog that takes readers on a journey that recognizes diverse heroes in and for the autism community.

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