
My Morning as a ‘Big’ Author at Barnes & Noble

My Morning as a ‘Big’ Author at Barnes & Noble. Then I Came Home and Did Laundry

This morning was my reading and signing of “On My Way to the Bath” at Barnes & Noble and it was very exciting stuff.

I had “signage.”   (Note: The sign came home with me.  I put it up in my bedroom…over my bed.) 


A bunch of my super supportive awesome blogger buds showed up to give me a little support: (from the left: Donna Tetreault of; Matt Steiner of Launch Education; Jenny Feldon of Karma (Continued…); me; and Christina Simon of Beyond the Brochure).


Some adorable boys asked to take their picture with “the real Livi”: (that’s her brother in the background looking a little neglected…)


And of course I had to take a picture of my book in the front of the store RIGHT NEXT to Jonathan Tropper’s “This is Where I Leave You,” and over “Fifty Shades of Grey.”  (Keep in mind this does not mean that my book is about sex or sitting shiva…)

Thanks to everyone who showed up and thanks to Barnes & Noble for hosting me!!

Sarah Maizes

Sarah Maizes

Author, editor, comedian. Pudding aficionado. Regular Contributor @TODAY @HUFFPO @MOMdotme

0 thoughts on “My Morning as a ‘Big’ Author at Barnes & Noble

  • Good job on making print !

    As an aspiring author myself, can you tell me please how much it cost to get this all going and what all was involved ?

  • Wow, that’s amazing! It must have been unreal for you. (I know I’d be thinking, “this has got to be some kind of dream right now” ) It must also be an awesome feeling to know you’re influencing and inspiring little kids…it’s true that books you love as a kid really stick with you throughout your life. I think that’s one of the most awesome things, ever. Congratulations!

  •         Good job!

    I’ve thought about writing a children’s book, but doing all of the artwork for it is a pain in the rear!  I just started doing art as well.  I did when I was younger, and I was better then!  Then again, that version of me hadn’t suffered head wounds.

    How long did it take you?


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