
Dannie’s Fun Movie Night Quiz

Ok, this one is just for fun.

I need you to imagine for a minute you have arranged for the whole family to enjoy a DVD night together, you are all settled, popcorn at the ready, everyone has drinks and you have all agreed on the DVD to watch. So you have the image in your head? Ok, here we go.

Firstly I want you all to raise one hand in the air. Go on no ones watching, just raise your hand, good now put your hand down if you would manage to get through the whole film without telling your A.S child to sit still.

Still up? Ok For those of you who still have their hands up put your hand down if you can get through the film without telling your child to stop shouting.
Looking good, now again put your hand down if you manage to get through the film without your child thinking you must have been on another planet and not watched the film and they tell you what has just happened.

My arm is starting to ache hows yours? Again put your hand down if you manage to get through the film without your child reciting word for word what someone in the film said.

Try and stay with me, Now put your hand down if you can manage to get through the film without your child talking about something that happened ten minutes earlier in the film.

Nearly done I know it aches but we are almost there, Lastly put your hand down if you manage to get through the whole film without your child asking “Did you see that?”

If you still have your hand up well you’ll be glad to know the torment is over you can put your hand down, also wipe the tears of laughter from your eyes I have an important announcement to make, This Is Perfectly Normal For An A.S Child. I hope this makes you feel slightly better knowing YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

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