
Study compares autism rates and vaccine use

Some Canadians have done the study I’ve been hoping for, comparing autism rates and vaccine use. They’re from the University of British Columbia, and they published it in November in the  Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry.

These scientists, led by L. Tomljenovic and C.A. Shaw, focus on the aluminum used in the vaccines. Aluminum is a neurotoxin, and there’s a significant amount of it in a vaccine, enough to harm an adult who gets several vaccines, they said. “If exposure to Al from only few vaccines can lead to cognitive impairment and autoimmunity in adults, is it unreasonable to question whether the current pediatric schedules, often containing 18 Al adjuvanted vaccines, are safe for children?” reads their abstract.

The scientists correlated number and age of aluminum-containing vaccines against autism rates. They found a consistent statistically significant correlation across several populations, enough to think that the aluminum-containing vaccines could be causing autism. Further studies are warranted, said the abstract.

Why has it taken so long for someone to ask this question and then create a study to find the answer? Our research system in the U.S. is controlled by those with the money, the drug companies who are merrily churning out more and more vaccines. This has meant no significant study until now of the too-many, too-soon theory. That theory supposes that too many vaccines at too young an age could be to blame for the autism epidemic, which seems to coincide with the rise in the number of required vaccines.

So it’s taken some Canadians, funded by parent groups, to do this study. The groups funding the study are:

* The Katlyn Fox Foundation, “a parent-founded charitable foundation focused on raising funds for independent scientific research into the safety and efficacy of children’s vaccines. The funds will go directly to independent medical researchers as well as vaccine awareness groups.” Katlyn Fox was a 22-month-old child whose parents believe died as the result of taking vaccines.

* The Albert and Claire Dwoskin Family Foundation, an nonprofit that has supported the National Vaccine Information Center in the past.

I am guessing that vaccine proponents and unthinking people in the media will dismiss this study because of its funding, and continue to trumpet the line that people who criticize the vaccine schedules are foolish. But they don’t dismiss all the other studies funded by vaccine makers, who obviously have a stake in the outcome. (Note: those limited previous studies answer only two questions, whether the measles virus in the MMR shot causes autism, and whether the mercury ingredient that used to be in most vaccines causes autism. The answer to those questions seems to be no. But what about all the other things that could be adverse about too many vaccines, too soon? Such as aluminum and other ingredients?) I wish people would get fully educated on the issue.

See the study: “Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?

0 thoughts on “Study compares autism rates and vaccine use

  • carol

    Finally, a study done on vaccines without the vested interest of drug companies. Our children should come first – all of them. Hopefully this study will make a difference.

    Thank you Canada.


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