10 Truths from Someone on the Spectrum
1. Autism is part of what makes me who I am.
2. Who I am is good. As long as I continue to become more of who God created me to be, I should not try to change who I am.
3. Autism is not a bad thing in and of itself.
4. God created me to be beautiful. I am beautiful, regardless of what the world might say.
5. My value is not in how un-awkward I can be, what I look like, or what I wear. Those things do not make me more valuable.
6. God wants the best for me. He blesses me daily. Hourly. By the minute.
7. I know that there are people who love me despite my autism. I also want them to love me because of it.
8. Sometimes I need help. I need more help than the average person to get through the day. That’s okay.
9. Whether or not I am working, I am making a difference in this world, and that’s what matters.
10. I am capable. I will work again, I will live on my own, and I will even have a cat. With support, I will reach my goals.
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Thank you for creating this list. You are valuable because only you can be you. I also have learned to say to myself, “That’s OK,” when life isn’t perfect. It has made a huge shift in my thinking.
:] This made me happy. I’m glad to hear someone who is so honest, positive, and motivated. Always love you for who you are! Thanks for sharing.
I saw “god” a few times, and the rest was white noise.
Thank you for posting this. It’s good that you’re not letting autism keep you down. God bless!
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God bless you!!!!! You love yourself despite what others think. You are such an inspiration!