
The Opposite Brothers with PDD-NOS


Well here they are.  Our 11 and 12 year old boys both diagnosed with PDD-NOS which is on the Autism Spectrum.  You wouldn’t know it though, they are both very high functioning.  But they do have their moments.  The boys are opposites for sure, but still carry the same diagnosis.


PDD-NOS stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified.  Which means they have some of the criteria for autism but not all. Because they are so high functioning, people expect them to act like their typical peers. Good luck.  I never know if I am disciplining a 12 year old or an 8 year old.  Hence the term “pervasive”.  You don’t know where they are at developmentally.

Dear hubby has also been diagnosed with PDD-NOS at age 42 after a long list of diagnoses. I think they finally have it right now.  Hubby agrees that he is really age 17 and has been for years.   I concur.  🙂

0 thoughts on “The Opposite Brothers with PDD-NOS

  • Wonderful to hear your son singing, and to see how happy he and his brother look. 

    My son with AS also sings, although not so much as he did as a child. He started singing when he was very small, I remember that the Christmas after he turned 3, he could sing all the verses of “Good King Wenceslas.” Later, when he was 12 or 13, he got interested in Anime and learned to sing songs in Japanese, even though he didn’t know what the words meant.

  • Wow! Our oldest is 14 and PDD-NOS. He does not sing, but loves LEGOS, robots & video games. Our daughter is 12 and ADD, our youngest son is 10 with ADHD & Behaviorial disorder & anxiety.  I am ADD – and was as a kid, but always told I wasn’t trying hard enough in school! At least we know now when we see it in our kids and can help them! You’re family sounds amazing & you must be amazing if God picked you for them! Stay strong!

  • I love it!  He has a beautiful voice.  And, that’s not an easy song to sing.  Have you seen, “Autism The Musical?”  Lexi performs the song for the show.


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