
Beauty of the Morning Park

Summer weekends! How I remember popping awake extra early with the morning sun, ready to get up, explore, and play. My memory’s pretty good! I haven’t done that in decades. James brings it all back — that’s how he likes to start his day.

There is something not quite right about the ghastly contrast between how happy and chirpy he is and how puffy and lethargic I feel (and, unfortunately, look). I see it nearly every morning reflected back at me in the bathroom mirror as I stand ready during his first potty visit. Ready for what? Well, pretty much to chase after his laughing, bare-behindness as he races through the sleeping house, and stuff him into undies and pants when I catch him.

Summer does mean that on weekends I can get out into the glorious morning with him, coffee in hand, and head to one of our local parks for him to exercise his joyful exuberance. As I yawn, down my coffee, and wish away the grogginess, I start to smile and notice the beauty of my son, enjoying the park on a blue summer morning.

Do you miss the summer already?

For James


A Blog to chronicle our son's journey through developmental delays and dealing with austisic disorder.

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