
One Year Makes a Difference

I talked recently about reaching the first anniversary of HRH’s diagnosis of autism and the amazing progress that HRH has made in the last year. It is still hard to fit it all in though, there is only so much one can write in a blog post. As it was his birthday yesterday (happy 3rd birthday HRH) I thought I would show you the difference:

His 2nd birthday, afraid of the cake and the activity around him. Look at his frown!

His 3rd birthday, a 33 second video clip. Watch out for the big smile halfway through as he enjoys his birthday present! Watch out for the great eye contact and the fact that he is sharing his enjoyment with his siblings and his Dad (behind the camera).

All I can say is ‘WOW’.

Jen Cull

Jen Cull

Mum of 3 great children, one of whom has autism. Wife, taxi service, blogger, cook and chief bottle washer in my *spare* time

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