
Heart means Looove

CB: “It’s a heart, Mom. Dat means Looove.”
me: “It’s beautiful, thank you!”
BH: “Yeah, we worked really hard at school to earn dat so we could give it to you.”
CB: “Aren’t you glad you have us?”

More than you could possibly know… I am blessed beyond measure every day to have these boys in my life. I gave them each a big hug.

“Of course, I love all of you boys more than anything!”

CB: “I wuv you too, Mom. I wuv my whole family more den anyfing too. Even more den I wuv Pokemon.”

I couldn’t help but smile :). “Wow, that’s a lot!”

“Yeah,” he agreed, “cuz I wuv Pokemon a whole bunch!”

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my babies? 🙂


Oh, and that reminds me of another ring that Cuddlebug gave me recently, at his school’s party a couple of weeks ago.

Sadly, I didn’t get a picture of it before Bitty wanted to play with it and I never saw it again… but it’s a funny story so I’ll describe it to you.

It was one of those plastic rings that comes on the top of cupcakes, and it was huge. About 1 1/2 inches of green plastic lettering saying, “Ho Ho Ho!”

Cuddlebug presented it to me with a flourish and said, “I cweaned it for you, Mom!”

“Aww, thanks, I love it!” I briefly wondered how he cleaned the frosting off with no water nearby, and decided I probably didn’t want to know so I didn’t ask. I put the ring on my finger and showed it to him.

Maybe he read my mind, because he was eager to share exacly how he had cleaned the ring for me.

“I wick’d it, Mom! I cweaned it wif my tongue!”

I had to laugh. Of course he did. I smiled and told him, “that’s kind of gross, but you did a pretty good job.”

I left it on, slobber and all, the rest of the day (until Bitty confiscated it, that is).



I’m a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum — 11-yr-old id twins and their 7-yr-old little brother — and wife to my dh of 19 yrs who is a SAHD. My blog is where I share our story, as well as topics relating to autism awareness & acceptance, twins, the silliness three little boys can get into, and whatever else is on my mind. Hopefully some of what we’ve learned over the years is helpful to others (or at least entertaining).

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