
Where do you do school?

I love back to school time when it’s everyone else! I especially love that we are on break right now.  It gives me time to rifle through all the great ideas flying around in blog world.  Some I bookmark  for later. Some I laugh out loud as I think of our family trying to do that.  This would be a laugh out loud moment.

This week on the Not Back to School Hop, you are supposed to showcase where you do school.  Lots of people have fantastic school rooms or areas. Yeah, that’s not us.  One, we don’t have space or money for anything fancy. Two, I have a child with autism.  That directly translates to boatloads of therapy appts in addition to extracurricular activities and the other fun stuff.  This translates into we are never home for extended periods on any given day. In the spirit of sharing though, I will tell you where our lessons most often get done.

Madison gets most of her work done here where she finally gets my undivided attention for several minutes.  She has  been known to sprawl out to do read a loud, math, copywork or her Awana verses.  She brings her history books that need reading as well.  She has become quite adept at doing her independent work here.

Together lessons are done wherever we feel like at that moment.  Bible time is done snuggled up together on mom and dad’s bed.  History could be done on the couch or outside by the pool or sitting at the table. Math is often done sitting next to Dad at his desk .  We have even been known to read our family read a loud while one of them is in the shower and the other sits outside in the hallway. Logan reads a loud to me as I do dishes.
The point here (bet you didn’t think I had one) is that our lessons take place wherever we happen to be at the moment.  We grab our lessons and go.  While fancy school rooms are really nice, they are not necessary.  In the end, I want my children to remember the fun we had home schooling.  I want them to develop a love of learning and know that it happens everywhere.  They don’t need to sit at a desk to get their job done. They just need to get it done in  a timely manner.  It works for us.
Penny Rogers

Penny Rogers

Just a Florida homeschooling mom attempting to navigate autismland with my teenage son with autism and the rest of my goofy family. We love Jesus and live gluten free . One kid with celiac and one gluten free for his autism. We utilize the Charlotte Mason approach mixed with lots of field trips as well as jaunts to Walt Disney World. Just sharing my adventures to make you feel better about your family and maybe learn a thing or two that helps !

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