
Horsing Around

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Sonoma County Fair. We started off with our bag lunch at the picnic tables in the Kids’ Area. We almost didn’t leave. Big sister leaped into the sand box and prepared to burrow in for the rest of the summer.

James ran about, playing with everything. What a treat for him to run about and explore so many fun new things. He really got into horsing around.
He was so cute, galloping with his horse and making it say “Neigh! Neighhhhh!!!”
After melting his equine-loving Nana’s heart (by making his horsie give her kisses), he galloped off into the afternoon.
Once again, it was nice to note all the progress. In addition to play acting, James noticed the rides, especially the Ferris Wheel. He had a good time with me in the house of mirrors and liked the 2-story purple slide ride with me. He told us in no uncertain terms what he did and did not want to do. I still have to watch him, because he has no concept of boundaries — for example, he wandered up onstage in the middle of the grape juice mustache judging contest, helped himself to a cup of juice, and completely kerflumoxed the judges by being at ease and smiling at everyone … as he started to touch the props for the magic show that was up next — yikes!

For James


A Blog to chronicle our son's journey through developmental delays and dealing with austisic disorder.

0 thoughts on “Horsing Around

  • I would’ve loved to have seen him do that. That made me giggle. He sounds sweet. Hope you all had a great time.


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