
Seven Things

Theta Mom recently tagged me in a post called My Seven. If you don’t know Theta Mom, you need to check her out.  She is a blogging guru and has been one of my biggest helps in getting my blog up and running.Here is the deal. I need to write 7 things that people don’t know about me, things I have not blogged about before, and then tag seven fellow bloggers to do the same!  So here goes!

1. When I was pregnant with Xavier I was diagnosed with the small c antivirus, don’t bother looking it up, it is so rare that even 99% of people in the medical community have not heard of it.  I was monitored very closely throughout my pregnancy, and they induced early.  Xavier did not come out OK and was rushed to the NICU.  He stayed there for 2 weeks with life threatening jaundice and anemia.  We almost lost him several times and only after a blood transfusion did he turn around.  Hands down, the hardest 2 weeks of my life.  I am crying now just remembering.

2. On a much, much lighter note…My husband and I are high school sweethearts. We’ve been together, on and off, for 16 years, married for 6.  This is us at his Senior Prom in 1995. I haven’t changed a bit (heehee)!!!

3. We met in the high school drumline, I played bass drum and he played snare.  Yes, I was a drummer chick. And in concert season I played the bassoon.  Anyone even know what that is? I don’t play anymore, but my husband is a professional musician.  This is him at a show.

4. I am 3 courses away from getting my Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration.  I planned to be a principal.  But after having kids, plans changed.  My goals and desires are completely opposite of what they were then.  Unfortunately, I will probably never go back and finish that degree…

5. One day in the near future, I plan to volunteer in a NICU.  Because of our experience and the awesome nurses and doctors who were so good to us, I want to pay it forward.  I could never do needles and blood, so nursing is not for me, but I can definitely volunteer.

6. My Spanish is pretty good.  I taught in FL for 4 years and needed to learn Spanish to communicate better with my students and their parents.  I have my ESL certification and tutor 3 ESL students a week.

7. If I ever do go back to teaching, I will be a completely different teacher.  I was good, but my perspective has totally changed since having kids, especially one with special needs.  Every student is some one’s baby.  Every students is their own special person, with needs, wants, strengths and weaknesses.  It is not possible to do it all, one year I had 32 second graders which was more like babysitting, but more can be done to foster our kids.  My son is going to need a lot of love, special accommodation, and understanding when he goes to school.  I wonder if he had been a student of mine would I have done a good enough job?

Jean Myles

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