
More Sleep Woes

Alas, I basked in the joy and bliss of a full night’s sleep for one glorious night.

And now, back to square 1.  Two steps back.

Ava was given her medication last night, fell asleep within 15 minutes and was put to bed.  She woke up at 2am and pretty much stayed up until 5:30am.   Our plan backfired.  She woke up at 9:15 am this morning, happy and chipper.  The good news is, the medication is not having any ill effects on her.  She is content, eating well and energetic.

So, with little sleep I type this, hoping that after tonight’s slightly increased dose of Clonidine, Ava will sleep the entire night.  If she does not, we increase the dose a little again.  If that does not work, we have to move on to other medications.

I wish there was a natural solution to this issue. We’ve tried Melatonin, warm baths, lavender oil, warm milk, music and sound machines.  All were in vain.

I just want my daughter to get the proper sleep she needs.  And it would be a dream to have one full night’s sleep for Charlie and I.

Kim Cristo

Kim Cristo

Kim Cristo is the mother to a child with autism and a neurotypical child. She advocates for the rights of autistic individuals and their families.

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