
I need a friend

Can you tell me what’s missing from all of this?

I need someone who will go to the mall, go to the library, and do puzzles with me. Yes, Mom does all of that, but I’d love to have someone close to my age, you know? Leigh would happily do those things, but a 4-hour-trip for a quick run to the mall is just out of the question, obviously.

So I embark on finding an aide. I will pay someone $5/hour to… be my friend. I’ve spent the last year trying to find friends to hang out with, and it just hasn’t worked. So far, 4 people have responded to my ad on Craigslist. (I realize Craigslist has some safety issues, but they will come to the house when Mom is home to meet me). This person will help me get out in the community more, as well as hang out at home if that’s what I want to do.

Wish me luck!



I'm 23. I love Jesus, my service cat, and my mom. I have usually-high-functioning autism, though it depends on the day. I'm trying to figure out how I can live the life I've dreamed of with autism in it.

0 thoughts on “I need a friend

  • I dont have friends either :,(
    ItĀ“s rather… lonely? But IĀ“m used now (only that itĀ“s rather hard to see people hanging out and having fun)
    I hope youĀ“ll find a friend, since I think you seem nice šŸ™‚

  • If you live near houston, I’d say we could meet up…haha I am really bad at puzzles, so I hope you are good. =P (PS. You would not neeed to pay me!)

  • I guess I’m not alone after all. I keep making friends with people who take me for granted, I don’t believe I deserve that.. I just can’t find anyone.

  • If you enjoy awkward silence then we can be besties šŸ˜®

  • I think you should join a club or a church group. That would be a great way for you to make new friends! Just dont try to hard. Get out there and start doing things you enjoy. The friends will come.

  • Lol.  Don’t pay someone, then they won’t be a real friend.  What state do you live in?  Lets hang out!

  • ohyeah, and you shouldn’t have to pay for a friend. Looks like quite a few people would like to be. You seem super nice too šŸ˜€

  • šŸ™ I don’t like hearing about people not having friends. I don’t go anywhere that’s very social so I don’t have many close friends near me. But I”d love to be friends with any of you who need one šŸ™‚

  • i want to be your friend. i dont know where you live so i dont know about that part, but i want to be your friend. not a money friend, a real one.

    email me… [email protected]

  • I keep running into the situation at church where the people who are my age have toddlers and babies while I’ve got kids who are old enough to stay home alone for a little while. So, hanging out with them is virtually impossible. People who have kids the same ages as mine are all in their 40s and well past the days of wanting to do most of the stuff I want to go do. Then there are the 20 somethings who are all doing the things I’d like to go do… seeing as I missed out on my 20s because I was home like all my now 30 something peers taking care of babies and toddlers. I have pretty much nothing in common with a 25 year old single woman… because I never was one. So… I find myself in this vortex of age vs maturity that makes it pretty difficult to find anyone to hang out with. So, I end up hanging out with my own kids and their friends… my life is spent hanging out with pre-teens… erg.

  • Hi!!
    How are you??
    As for me, I’m an autistic man (aspergers syndrome), and I started a Christian group, which I created to meet friends. I’ll be your friend, so be sure to have a look at my group and if you feel the need to join, then, welcome aboard!! I have my e-mail address there too, and I’m a great guy to get along with. I’m not looking for dates, but I have a suggestion that might be the answer to your problems.

    My group is NOT a cult, NOT a fellowship and NOT a scam to get money. It’s on Yahoo! and I have around 30 members on it right now. We’re just people who’d like to meet others with the same interests. I’d post the link here, but I’ve seen on blogs on Xanga where spammers get their accounts shut down, so go to Google and search for: ‘Clawbert’s Clan’, so you can take a look.

    Hope This Helps, and God Bless,

  • me too.. have the same feeling like you. True friend is kinda of hard to find… =)

    We can be friend’s if u dont mind.. hehehe =)

  • it’s hard for anyone to find a good friend. Good luck!

  • are there any community things going on in your town? a sports team? a club of some sort with people that share your same interests?

    that will give you something to do, and give you an opportunity to meet more people who like what you like to do and to do other things with! šŸ™‚

  • I’ll be your friend! I’m not sure if we’re the same age or in the same area, but what’s a few years and a little distance btwn friends? 

    Also, good luck finding more friends.

  • Does this count?

    I used to have an imaginary girlfriend. She told me I should see other people.

  • im the same way. i moved an hour an a half away from my location (and all my friends) of 16 years four years ago. havent made a friend since. ive had my BF for two, but its not the same as having a girl around.

    ever feel like youre just too old to make new friends?

  • ditttttttto.
    good friends are hard to find nowadays. had pretty awesome friends in childhood!!

  • you’re paying someone $5/hr to be your “friend”?? girl, you seem just fine to me…i think you can go make some friends at your church or something. go dancing at a club and make some outgoing friends there!

    and if you decide to go with the craigslist thing don’t let them come to your house of all places! meet them at the mall with your mom. 

  • @rxglasshalffull@xanga – You too? Jeebus…why does everyone here lack a friend?!?!?!

    Autisble do you not have any friends at all? Like…at all? As in, no one knows who you are and says hey dude lets hang out? Does the same go for the other people here?

    Me..I have a few “friends” maybe but they’re more like “buds”…stems more that I feel very lonely from humanity in general so much so that I can do friends stuff with people but can’t eek out my personal problems (the whole length of them not just oh what cereal should i buy?) hence…i retreat!

  • I’ll be your friend dog. I’m in the same boat. Let’s paddle!

  • I’d be your friend, but i have a feeling we don’t live in the same place. šŸ™‚ I have a hard trouble meeting friends. My husband wants me to get out there more and meet people but i can’t help it, i love my old friends.

  • Good luck! I want a friend too šŸ™ I’m not autistic or anything, but I don’t and never have had friends. It’s sad.

  • Thanks for the advice everyone, but realize that they are old posts that make it to Autisable and chances are, people have already done what they’re going to do.  My aide is named Sarah and she’s fantastic.  We go to the park, the movies, the mall, do puzzles, etc.  I belong to a Meetup group for adults with ASDs, and I also have a mentor in her 60s at my church.  Both good suggestions, but I was looking for someone my own age to do things with, and I’m glad I have Sarah!

  • Here’s an example of a meet-up group: “Western Burbs Movies and More is a group of members looking to
    participate in a variety of social activities, including: going to
    movies, dining out, sporting events, festivals, comedy club, bowling,
    skating, mini golf, picnics/barbeques and more. We provide a casual
    atmosphere for meeting people with similar interests and making friends ā€“
    for all ages and orientations.

  • Try– you can type in where you live and what you’re interested in (e.g. knitting, writing, etc.) and they will let you know of groups in your area around that topic. It’s a nice way to get out into the community and make some friends. Meeting around a certain topic will help you to have some common ground in starting up conversations and trying to be social, which makes it much easier.

  • Sometimes the local Y has programs for adults with aspergers syndrome. Depending on where you live I would look into that. istead of Craigslist I would contact a local teaching college. I have found terrific classroom coaches for my son, who is in college, through their listserv. it might be better for you to find someone to help you out in the community if they have a real interest in special education. besides you might actually find someone who understands you too..I would also hazard a guess it will be safer.

  • I noticed in your bio that it states you are a Christian, do you attend a church?  If so that would be an excellent place to look for a friend.  Maybe give your pastor/priest a little background and what you are looking for in a friend.  Good Luck!


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