
Back to School – Autistic Kids

Back to School Well it’s nearing that time again. The kids start school in September and I have to begin thinking about getting Dakota ready. I already know he doesn’t want to go back and since there is less structure here during the summer it might be a hard transition. I already have the bedtime and morning routine so that won’t have to change. I know mornings are going to be difficult so within the next week or two we are going to have to start getting up early for practice before school.

I am also going to start having Dakota check off the days on the calendar so he can see that school is coming. While we are at the calendar marking down the days. I plan on having little positive talks with him about school. We will talk about some of the things he will be doing for 2nd grade. We will talk about some of the things he likes about school. Hopefully this will help ease him back in as he knows it will be coming.

I am going to also start having him read a little more for the rest of the summer. We are going to do some math puzzles that I have and work on starting to refresh things. I know I should have been doing this all summer but I really wanted him to have a summer. We have some great books that my Dad bought Dakota that are easy and quick reading. I also have some games that I got from the teacher last year to play with him.

I am also going to meet his teacher so that I can talk with her a little bit about what to expect from Dakota and how we can work together. This year will be really critical as we shall see if behaviors will or will not come out. We will be dealing with them head on. I have a great support network with the therapist that comes in and Dakota’s case manager and another lady from my case manager’s office. They are fantastic and are not afraid to voice opinions to the school.

What are you doing to get ready for back to school?



I am Stacie a SAHM of three. I started blogging in May 2009. When I first started blogging I wanted to spread the news about autism awareness. I wanted a place where others could see inside my world and know what I go through on a day to day basis. Just giving a glimpse of understanding. I also wanted others who also had kids on the spectrum to not feel alone. Since then my blog has changed and I also started blogging out our adventures in homeschooling.

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