Autism vs. “Twilight’s” Edward/Rob Pattinson
Okay, I know what you all are thinking: Comparing autism to the new crazed “Twilight” book (and/or movie) series is quite a stretch. I admit to succumbing to this new obsession. With that said, I was humored by my 6 year old (autistic) son’s seemingly innocent vanity and the need to run his fingers through his hair (which he believes is long and due for a haircut). With all the press on Rob Pattinson, I couldn’t help but think of the new heartthrob, and this same signature move of his, that has taken over girls hearts everywhere. I had to chuckle.
If you have been following the publicity, there is a competition between the two male love interests in the book(Team Edward/vampire vs. Team Jacob/werewolf). Many readers (or audience members) will side with one or the other depending on their own personalities, needs, or desires.
As I watch my son flicking his hair to the side, I asked myself who would win a competition between Team Rob (Pattinson) vs. Team Ryebread (a nickname and the team we name ourselves during our annual walk for autism). Of course, you all know my answer… No Competition -Team Ryebread wins by a landslide! Why, you ask? Aside from the fact that he is my son and I see only him when I imagine the cutest boy in the universe, he has traits that I really do believe would endear himself to the world. I’m not a expert on the superstar, so I don’t know Mr. Pattinson or his character, but I can speak for my son. Team Ryebread’s heart is pure, his nature-gentle, his character strong, willing and sensitive. He has a charisma about him and if he loves you, a trust is gained that will make you feel special. Besides all these things, he is handsome (I know this, but many people tell me too) with an adorable sense of humor. Sorry Rob, even with your gorgeous hair, my vote is for team Ryebread!
I’d go further with this somewhat ridiculous “Twilight” series comparison and begin seeing some consistencies between (if you can imagine) autism and the “Twilight” vampire family (the Cullen’s). Hear me out:
reaaally is quite a stretch..
probably because twilight is such a terribly written series with a very unimaginative storyline,
must say eclipse goes in the running for one of the worst books i have ever read.
ha, aw that’s cute
and this does have a great message. i understand what you’re trying to get across to people- great read <3
This was truly lovely.
this is more than “quite a stretch”. o.O
funny read..
and i am a HUGE twi-fan…
Edward Cullen is smokin’
and so is Robert Pattinson <3
It is kind of a stretch, but this was an amazing read.
LOL, Kinda explains why Bella fits right in… She’s just like I was as a teenager with undiagnosed Aspergers… I had this whacked out dream where me and some unknown, faceless person who apparently knew me all my life, were watching the scenes of the books play out (not anything like the movies really) and the person commented, “Hey, she’s just like you, you know?” At the time I was rather insulted actually… but then I really thought about it and figured, “Yep… dang it.” All things considered, “Twilight” is not something I would typically be drawn to which is why it amazed me that I was totally absorbed in reading the entire series… twice. (The only redeeming quality the movie had was its soundtrack.) It wasn’t one of those stories that I could live vicariously through, which is usually what catches and keeps my interest in a book. Now, it is interesting to go to a handful of people who’ve read it and say, “You know how Bella thinks and acts in that book? Yeah, that was the same kind of misunderstandings and crap that I used to think when I was her age.”
You’re right, this is kind of a stretch, but I guess people can make anything fit what they what they want it to fit if they try hard enough. As long as it gives you joy in your day and works for you, that’s what’s important.