10 Great Things About Growing Older
Still pondering the meaning of growing older here, with 50 now looming nearly 11 months away on the horizon. Still think Growing Older is not a bad thing. In fact, here’s a list of 10 great things about Growing Older:
1. If you messed up* on marriage the first or second … time, you get to do it all over again.
2. You’ve gained the amount of confidence you always wished you had.
3. You can write “veteran” as a description on your resume and know it can’t be questioned.
4. You can claim “veteran” for more than a few things other than the work experiences because now you have truly been around the block a few times.
5. You’ve come into your own.
6. You’ve figured out a few things in your life about:
Other People
7. You’ve learned not to sweat the small stuff. (Well, still on the curve a little here.)
8. You’ve figured out what is the small stuff. (I’m pretty good at deciphering it after a little bit.)
9. You’ve learned what’s really important in Life.
10. You’ve been through enough Life crises to know: IGBOK**.
*Actually, I don’t believe there are mess ups. Just lessons learned. Had I of not married Grace’s father, there would be no Grace. Not a mess up at all. But can I do it a little better next time by learning from my stumble-bumbles? Absolutely.
**IBOK: It’s going to be okay.
ha very inlightening lol but i kinda have checked off a couple of those things on my need to know list…but hey nonethless good post