Mothers Of Children With Autism Have Higher Parental Stress, Psychological Distress
I was searching google for the news on Autism today and the first headline that came up really perked my interesnt. The title is Mothers of Children With Autism Have Higher Parental Stress, Psychological Distress. This article really caught my interest as well I am a mother of an Autistic son. The main finding to this study was the behavior problems associated with autism. “Children with autism had significantly higher levels of problem behaviors then children with developmental delays.”
The examples of behavior in the article are all that I can identify with are: irritability, agitation, crying, inappropriate speech, and not being able to follow the rules. One thing that wasn’t listed was the fact that some of the kids can’t communicate their feelings which make it really frustrating. I know I probably have said that before in my other posts.
It’s true when they say the behaviors have to be targeted in treating children with autism and developmental delay. Right now we are working on the behaviors. Some days I wonder if I will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Please don’t think that behaviors are the core issue in Autism. It’s only a part of the Autism.
I am sure there are other mothers of Autism that can totally related to this article too.
There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.
@bluejacky@xanga – the same was said for my boyfriend’s grandma, her son, my boyfriend’s uncle had Aspergers and many violent tendencies as a child that later became less consistant with time. They didnt understand ASD to the extent that we know now and after working with the children, my boyfriend’s grandma just about cried in knowing that people dont have to go through what she had.
well, not sure why they wanted to do that study…but you know, it probably is informative to parents who have a misunderstanding about ASD disorders.
Although ASD disorders are not just behavior, a lot of the symptoms are displayed through behavior and having worked in behavioral programs for ASD disorders … Shaping behavior creates a lot less stress on both the child and the adult for those listed reasons.
Actually, in light of how parents were treated a few decades ago, the article is very important. When my mom took me from doctor to doctor in the 60’s, she was told by the doctors that SHE was a bad mother, she was lectured, she left crying, she was alone against the whole world telling her she wasn’t able to raise a child right… By the time I got confirmation that I really am autistic, my mom was in a nursing home unresponsive from several massive strokes. I was never able to tell her she was right… She was VERY stressed out, and since I have a memory like a video recorder, I remember so many things that make me feel bad now. I didn’t understand back then, but I do NOW. It’s very important for parents to be validated in their stress, and the fact that this was a real study that was published after so many decades of parents being scoffed at by doctors and psychologists is a very nice thing. I’m old enough to remember how awful it was watching my mom cry and have nervous breakdowns and never get any sympathy from a soul.
@SarahAriella@xanga –
yeah you’re right. so much money is spent on things that dont need to be spent on… obviously if you’re parenting a child who has autism you’re bound to have stress and psychological distress. i was too angry to read the article.. they should use the money on more important things. my brother has been on the waiting list for a special autistic school before he even started school and hes almost finished high school now and still doesnt have a place. and he is 17 this year and just started getting respite care as weve never been informed about it earlier. its so hard watching my mum go through this, she doesnt have a life because my brother needs constant supervision. and my mum has been so patient and has not complained once even though i know its extremely hard for her and it really breaks my heart. the child with autism is my little brother and hes grown up so strong that even i can’t handle him by myself so i cant imagine what my mum goes through everyday trying to get him ready for school or just simply getting through the day doing chores while watching him at the same time. she barely gets any sleep either.. Weve barely got any help for this and i wish there was something more the gov could do to give the autsitic parents abit of a break. sorry but i had to vent this out. i just dont know any one else who have autistic children/bros or sis to understand what we go through. i wish you all the best for raising your child with autism.
well, you can kinda just tell from the title alone that the article is probably not worth reading.. of course parents with autistic children have more distress.. there are so many levels of autism but even high functioning autistic children must be taken care of more carefully than children without autism
kinda makes you wonder how these types of studies get published
Yeah, seriously @SarahAriella@xanga – I completely agree.
I can’t believe money was even spent on this study, unless the study incorporated ways that families can be helped. As a parent of a child with Classic Autism (no HFAs in my family, just full blown Autism), this seems like a no brainer.
Now if we can just get money spent on actual services such as respite, home based care, adult day care so parents can work again, assisted living facilities (without the decade long wait) instead of another silly study that tells us what we already know.