
Sammy Spazzy and the Spiderman Suit

Spiderman So hubby is working mandatory overtime and I have a class tonight for my job. OK no biggie. except starting this morning Sammy has been a spazz! He put on his spiderman costume and began screaming. Those of you that have an autistic kid understand that guttural scream i am talking about. the one that sounds like train brakes and chocolate pie being lit on fire while a moose dances the tango during mating season. Yeah pleasant really. It is one of those sounds that only a mother could love, and even then not so much! 12 minutes, enough to make me want to run away. Mind you I had just worked a 9:30-6 am shift came home and was trying to get ready for church. I knew it could get ugly.

He was OK at church only tried to run out once causing me to barrel after him down the side pew and almost smash into the usher. he also collected all the books in the first 3 isles and made some lines with them. He then placed his head on the pew fabric and ran on his hands and knees from one side of the pew to the other, the whole time static boy kept his head in contact with the velvety fabric.

We managed to leave church with mnor incidents and nothing more than a shoeless boy with static head.

Annemarie Chagnon

Annemarie Chagnon

We are currently a family of 7 (yes 7 really) My husband and I have 5 children on earth and one precious baby in heaven. We are Catholic and we are Quiverful. We live in a small town in Southern Massachusetts. We try to live as simply as possible. We are a family of special needs people and we work every day to make this house work

3 thoughts on “Sammy Spazzy and the Spiderman Suit

  • Oh he’ll probably read the whole Bible when he gets older.  Both Testaments.  He might turn out to be a lot smarter than people think he is.  I probably had some form of ADD when I was a kid, I was quite disruptive in 1st and 2nd grade.  The 3rd time I saw the principal in 1st grade he told me specifically: “YOUNG MAN, IN THIS SCHOOL WE DO NOT TELL TEACHERS THAT WE ARE GOING TO KILL THEM AND EAT THEM FOR DINNER!!!!”  I was in big, big trouble. 

    I also crapped in my pants twice on the way home from school in 1st grade.  It was a long walk: 5 blocks.

    I also pissed in my parents’ bed when I was taking a nap on their bed when I was 4.  I got my ass whupped a lot at home, they’d call it child abuse nowadays.  My own kids are a lot more pampered than I was.  They didn’t get whipped with belts, scratched, or sent to sleep in the basement.  We don’t even have a basement!

  • ah, the challenges of finding a church that is Autism friendly.


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