
Doctor Update

Doctor Well we met with the new psychiatrist for Dakota.

I was rather impressed I must say. He asked us a bunch of questions and then he had Dakota sit in a chair next to him. I was rather surprised that Dakota sat in the chair next to him. Dakota did everything in his power to not make ANY eye contact with the Doctor. He did answer most of the questions. He asked Dakota to say apple, table, and orange. He then asked him to repeat those three words. He then asked Dakota more questions and later went back to the those three words. Dakota was able to repeat them and not forget them when asked. Again I was surprised.

Dakota has no concept of what day of the week it is nor was he able to answer the question as how did he feel. He was asked happy, sad, mad, and I don’t remember. He stayed quiet. I told the Doctor he doesn’t know emotions. Not that he doesn’t know the emotions he just doesn’t know how to communicate them effectively. Which I didn’t have to tell him as he already knew. He is starting Dakota on Celexa as he says that this will help with eye contact and emotions. I don’t remember what else he said where the benefits. I asked if Dakota could come of the Seroquil. He said not yet. He wants to make small changes at a time. I said OK. We go back again Tuesday. Well I think I mentioned this morning how much I DISLIKE the Seroquil. I don’t like how he is moody, mean, aggressive, not wanting to do things, etc. So I decided as well as my husband that we are NOT going to give him the morning dose of Seroquil. I would much rather deal with hyper then the other dark side I see. I will give it to him at night for the rest of this week. If I even still see this behavior next week I will demand to come off that medicine completely. If he don’t agree I will take him off. I don’t like it. I don’t believe Seroquil is a safe choice.

I did some further research on Celexa and Autism. What I found out is that Celexa may not help kids with Autism. I didn’t realize that only 30% of the kids with Autism were on Celexa. From my understanding it’s suppose to reduce the symptoms of Autism. From some of the studies it does not correct the repitive behaviors. I don’t really understand the connection of Celexa and Autism. So I am going to dig into this a little more this week and find out. You bet if I don’t like what I see I will question the Doctor.

Celexa May Not Help Kids With Autism – Article I was reading that was writtin June 2009.




I am Stacie a SAHM of three. I started blogging in May 2009. When I first started blogging I wanted to spread the news about autism awareness. I wanted a place where others could see inside my world and know what I go through on a day to day basis. Just giving a glimpse of understanding. I also wanted others who also had kids on the spectrum to not feel alone. Since then my blog has changed and I also started blogging out our adventures in homeschooling.

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