
Forget About Grade Levels When Homeschooling A Child With Autism

Forget about grade levels when homeschooling a child with autism. Church is the only place where we assign an actual grade  level for the children. For Madison , our typical child, we looked at her actual age then placed her in the corresponding grade level.  For Logan, our child with autism, we looked at his developmental age then placed him in the corresponding group regardless of his physical age. It was far more important that he be where he was socially rather than anything else.

The same applies to picking out a curriculum for your homeschool.  You have to look at each subject individually then place the child at the level they are at regardless of where they are ” supposed” to be. The key here is to find their comfort zone then push them a bit past it.  It’s called working in their zone of proximal development. The tedious part will be finding it for every subject you teach in your homeschool.

Don’t be discouraged if your child is all over the place.  Due to limitations in areas, there will be discrepancies.  That’s fancy words for no subject will be alike.  Logan is extremely advanced in reading, math, science and history.  He is doing advanced work well above grade level in these areas.  On the other hand, he’s severely behind in writing and language.  Anything that involves fine motor skills as well as motor planning are difficult for him.  Behind as in doing the same work as his sister who is in 4 years younger than him.  Anything that involves writing for long periods makes him feel inadequate.  It is clearly difficult for him so we make modifications using adaptive technology in addition to teaching at the correct level.

I can’t focus on his inability to write a complete report even though he is about to start high school.  I will lose valuable time doing anything other than pushing him slightly out of his zone then allowing him to step back in it.  I can’t look at what other children are doing.  I must maintain my focus on him and him alone.  I have to put blinders on so to speak to keep my laser focus.

Take time this week to check out the subjects you are teaching.  Check to see if you have your child at his actual level or his grade level.  Don’t worry if he’s behind.  By working at his level , you will help him to learn it and catch up with his peers faster with less grief for everyone.  More smiles and less tears.  Who doesn’t want that in their homeschool?

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Penny Rogers

Penny Rogers

Just a Florida homeschooling mom attempting to navigate autismland with my teenage son with autism and the rest of my goofy family. We love Jesus and live gluten free . One kid with celiac and one gluten free for his autism. We utilize the Charlotte Mason approach mixed with lots of field trips as well as jaunts to Walt Disney World. Just sharing my adventures to make you feel better about your family and maybe learn a thing or two that helps !

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