
Memorizing Bible Verses In Your Homeschool

Memorizing Bible verses in your homeschool is an integral part of our lessons here in Autismland.  Often, especially in the younger years, we used the programs offered at our local church to get this accomplished. As the children grew older, it became second nature to them so we memorized them together as a family. My goal is to have their brains so full of Scripture that when they need it, the Holy Spirit will bring it to the forefront of their mind.

Memorizing Bible verses in your homeschool tell you why we make this important skill an integral part of our lessons. Character trumps academics.

A great way we used our local church to help with this was Awana. When Madison got her Skipper Review Island badge , she was amazingly proud of herself . She wanted it badly so she worked really hard to get it.  This entailed memorizing more than 30 Bible verses including chapter and verse along with all the books of the New Testament.  A tremendous feat for a second grader to accomplish.

Memorizing Bible verses in your homeschool tell you why we make this important skill an integral part of our lessons. Character trumps academics.

Of course we were over the moon proud of her. It’s always motivating to see your children walk with God in addition to delighting in His ways. My favorite part was that Logan was over the moon excited for her too. He never went to Sparks as we joined Awana after he was too old for that class. He was legitimately excited for her accomplishment.

These lessons will stick with her for the rest of her life.  Not only will she have all that Scripture in her head for when she needs it but she will also remember the feeling of accomplishing her goal.  God always rewards obedience. For Madison , her reward is basking in the glow of her accomplishment.  A trophy helped too.

When both kids graduated from Awana after 6th grade, we moved on to working on memorizing as a family. It was then decided that we would do the book of Psalms. In case you don’t know this , there are 150 chapters .  That’s a lot of memorizing.  What better idea than to fill our heads with  songs of praise in addition to cries of mercy to a loving God.   Something has to take up residence in our brains .  Why not have it be the Word of God?

I must admit that the children are far better at this than I am . Logan has a photographic memory so it’s merely a matter of teaching him how to access it when he needs it. Madison struggles a bit more with it.  I simply remind her that Logan’s brain is wired differently than ours. Some things we find easier than him like talking to people or organizing our thoughts. Some things are easier for him like memorizing .

Don’t neglect this extremely important aspect of your child’s spiritual training because autism may get in the way. Like all academics, take it at your child’s developmental level and pace.  Even if Logan only memorizes 1 Scripture in his entire life, it will serve him well.

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Penny Rogers

Penny Rogers

Just a Florida homeschooling mom attempting to navigate autismland with my teenage son with autism and the rest of my goofy family. We love Jesus and live gluten free . One kid with celiac and one gluten free for his autism. We utilize the Charlotte Mason approach mixed with lots of field trips as well as jaunts to Walt Disney World. Just sharing my adventures to make you feel better about your family and maybe learn a thing or two that helps !

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