The kids tried their hand at golf and this was the result – The Autism Dad
The other day I was with my family celebrating a late Father’s Day at the driving range. Most of my family was there and the one’s who weren’t were missed. I’m not into golf so I just hung out and watched everyone.
Not everyone played, so I wasn’t alone in that sense. I was really nice to just be able to sit, visit with my family, and watch the kids do something new for the first time.
The kids had so much fun and I absolutely love seeing them be kids.
I very much look forward to the next time we can do something like this again. We made so many memories and I’m infinitely grateful that we had this opportunity. The kids did amazing and I remember a time in their lives where they wouldn’t be willing to try something new. I couldn’t be prouder. ♥
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Author: Rob Gorski